Prepare to Respond to a Medical Emergency
Respond to a Medical Emergency
Trauma-Related Medical Issues
Medical Issues
Dealers Choice

This may provide protection for law enforcement officers when they are acting outside their jurisdictions.

What is the Good Samaritan Act.


The number one preventable cause of trauma related deaths.

What is massive hemorrhage or uncontrolled severe bleeding.


The primary cause of death and disability from child abuse in infants and young children.

What is Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS). 


This contains some of the most complex poisons known.

What is snake venom.


They developed universal precautions as a set of procedures designed to prevent transmission of bloodborne pathogens to first-aid or health-care providers. (no acronyms.)

What is the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC).


Your action or inaction directly resulted in the patient’s injury (makes the distinction that a person’s negligent behavior actually caused the injury)  

What is causation. 


During the primary assessment, the priority for care is the rapid identification and management of ________________ ____________.

What is life-threatening conditions.


If the bleeding is coming from a junction......

What is pack the wound (ideally with a hemostatic dressing).


A physical, mental, and emotional response to suddenly or slowly quitting the use of substances.

What is withdrawal. 


Consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Its components are the body’s “mainframe computer” and processing center. This is where all communication and control originate

What is the central nervous system.


A broad term used to describe a group of conditions that affect physical or mental functioning that arise early in life.

What is “developmental disabilities” 


This test is used to rapidly assess changes in blood flow in the arms and legs.

What is a capillary refill time test. 


Related to burns, fluid shifts and losses through the compromised skin and infection both can lead to _____. 

What is shock.


While having a _______, the patient may stop breathing temporarily, bite their tongue, lose bowel or bladder control, make noises, spit, have foam around the mouth, display unusual behavior, or be unresponsive.

What is seizure.


Obesity, alcohol and drug use, or pre- existing conditions including bronchitis, emphysema, and chronic lung disease can be risk factors that lead to _________ ___________. 

What is Positional asphyxia.


Basic parts of the ___________ system are the heart, veins, capillaries, arteries, and blood.

What is circulatory.


Any patient placed in a recovery position is critically ill and should be reassessed every ____ minutes

What is five. 


This may be difficult to identify and can temporarily or permanently interrupt the relay of messages from the brain to the body, eliminating a person’s ability to move, feel, or even breathe.

What is a spinal injury 


The last stage of labor

What is placenta delivery. 


Use this technique only when moving the patient is necessary or when assisting medical personnel.

What is the log roll. 


The muscular system gives the body shape, protects internal organs, and allows for body movement. The body contains three types of muscles. What are they?

What is voluntary, involuntary, and cardiac. 


During care under threat, your level of care would  include following the assessment and treatment priorities outlined in MARCH. Address any life- threatening bleeding first by applying direct pressure to a wound, wound packing, and using sterile dressings or seals in addition to tourniquets.

What is Indirect threat care/warm zone/tactical    field care.


A situation in which air builds up in the chest cavity causing tension, eventually preventing return of blood to the heart and death.

What is a tension pneumothorax.


A respiratory condition in which the airway passage narrows due to swelling and mucus, which causes breathing difficulties.

What is asthma. 


While recording the patients vital signs, you count their pulse at 16 beats over 15 seconds. What is their BPM? 

What is 64. 
