Signs & Symptoms
Misc. First Aid

What care should be provided for someone with a concussion?

They should be advised to stop all activity and followup with a qualified healthcare provider as soon as possible.                                                                   

EMS should be called if they have severe vomiting, loss of responsiveness, lack of physical coordination, confusion or disorientation, changes to normal speech, seizures, vision changes, persistent dizziness, weakness or tingling in arms or legs and/or severe or increasing headache.


What is RICE?

Rest, Immobilize, Cool and Elevate.


Poison Control Phone Number?




Vigorous shivering and complaining of the cold.

mild hypothermia


When would you use a sling or a splint?

When you need to transport them.


To care for a person having a seizure you should do this.  (You have already called EMS)

Protect the person from injury by removing harmful objects. 

Protect their head with a soft object.

Do not try to hold them down.

Roll the person into recovery position after.


Situations where you might suspect a head, neck or spinal injury.

- A fall fromany height greater than the height of the person

- A diving injury.

- A person found unresponsive for unknown reasons

- A strong blow to the lower jaw, head or torso.

- A person has been struck by lightening or electrocuted.


You can suspect someone has been exposed to an absorbed poison when these signs and symptoms are present.

- rash or hives

- burning or itching skin

- blisters

- burns


Change in level of responsiveness, change in behavior, rapid breathing, cool-pale-sweaty skin, appearance of intoxication and/or seizures.

Diabetic Emergency


Can you use an AED on ice and snow?



How would you care for a chest injury?

Call EMS and have the person stay still and rest. If the wound is bleeding profusely apply direct pressure, but if the bleeding is minor do not apply pressure or a dressing. If there is no penetrating injury give the person something bulky to hold against the chest. 

If a dressing is applied and becomes saturated it must be changed, or it will prevent air from escaping and create pressure in the chest. 


If you suspect an unconscious person has a head, neck or spinal injury do you still check for breathing using a head-tilt/chin-lift?



What do you do for a Snakebite?

Call EMS, make sure the snake is no longer present, describe the snake to EMS, keep the person still, with the bite below heart level.

If the bite is on a limb remove any jewellery or tight clothing and wash the wound with water and cover with a clean, dry dressing.


dry/hot skin, abnormal behaviour (irritable, aggressive, bizarre), shallow-rapid breathing, severe headache, seizures or coma

Heat Stroke


Can you give ASA (aspirin) to someone you suspect is having a stroke?

No. ASA is a blood thinner and if someone is having a hemorrhagic stroke (ruptured brain aneurysm) it could cause more bleeding.


What do you do for someone experiencing heatstroke or heat exhaustion?

 Call EMS for heat stroke and advanced heat exhaustion. Remove from heat, loosen tight clothing and padding around the torso. Don't dry their skin. Start cooling the person. For heat exhaustion poor water on torso and fan skin. For heat stroke immerse body in cool water or immerse forearms in cool water. If that is not possible poor water on torso and fan skin.


When should you remove an impaled object?

When it is stopping you from giving care for an immediately life-threatening condition.


How do you safely remove a tick?

Use tweezers to grasp the tick's head as close to the skin as possible.  Gently pull away from the skin, without twisting until it releases its hold. Wash the area with clean water and monitor for rash or infection.


Body feels stiff, shivering has stopped, breathing has slowed down or stopped, unresponsive.

Severe hypothermia


What is FAST?

Can be used to help determine if someone is having a stroke. Stands for: 

Face, Arm, Speech, Time


How do you care for someone that has frostbite?

Remove anything that may restrict bloodflow to the area, thaw area only if you're sure it will not freeze again. Use warm (not hot) water or body heat. Protect skin with loose, dry dressings. Place gauze between fingers and toes if they are affected. Leave any blisters intact. If possible elevate any thawed extremeties above the level of the heart. Rehydrate the peson with plenty of fluids. Encourage the person to seek medical attention.


How would you care for someone with a concussion?

Advise them to stop all activity and see a qualified healthcare provider as soon as possible. 

Call EMS for serious symptoms. 


Does Canada have any poisonous snakes?

- Western (Northern Pacific) Rattlesnake (BC)

- Massassauga Rattlesnake (SW Ontario)

- Prairie Rattlesnake (SW Saskatchewan, S Alberta)

- Desert Night Snake (interior BC)


Anxiety, cool/clammy/pale skin, weakness, excessive thirst, rapid breathing, drowsiness or loss of responsiveness, nausea/vomiting.



How would you care for someone that is having a diabetic emergency?

If the person can swallow safely have them ingest 15-20g of sugar. Preferred sources are: glucose tablets, chewable candy, fruit juice, fruit strips and milk.

If there condition does not improve in 10 minutes call EMS and administer more sugar if it is still safe to do so.
