Hurry Cases
Life-Threatening conditions
Hot/Cold Temperatures

What are the 4 hurry cases?

1. Spine Injury

2. Trouble Breating/No Heartbeat

3. Severe Bleeding

4. Poisoning


How do you treat for shock?

1. Call for help

2. Try to eliminate the cause of shock

3. Help the person lie down and raise the legs if you don't suspect spine injury

4. Keep victim warm and calm


What acronym helps to check for a fracture and what do they stand for?

D - Deformity

O - Open Wounds

T - Tenderness

S - Swelling


How to treat heat exhaustion?

1. Bring victim to a cool place and raise feet. Remove excess clothing.

2. Apply wet cloths to body and fan the victim.

3. Let them drink water.


How to treat non-harmful insect bites?

Wash the area with soap and water, apply ice pack, and treat for shock. Seek medical help if area starts to form a rash or well.


What do you do to treat a heartbeat/breathing hurry case?

1. Check for signs of life

2. Call 911

3. Chest compressions

4. Tilt the victim's head back if no spine injuries

5. Do CPR 


What is the acronym to check for a stroke, and what does each letter stand for?

F - Face

A - Arms

S - Speech

T - Time


How do you treat sprains/strains? (Acronym and meaning)

R - Rest

I - Ice

C - Compression

E - Elevation


How to treat heatstroke?

1. Move victim to a cool area.

2. Loosen tight clothing and remove any excess.

3. Apply wet cloths and ice packs (wrapped in towel/clothing).

4. Give small amounts of fluids if they are concious.


How to treat tick bites?

Put on gloves and use tweezers to grasp as close to the head as possible. Pull gently until the tick comes loose and put it in a bag to show the doctor. Wash the area with soap and water apply antiseptic.


How do you treat severe bleeding?

1. Call 911

2. Put on gloves and apply pressure to the wound

3. If pressure does not stop the bleeding, tie a tourniquet

4. Treat for shock


How do you treat choking?

1. Ask them if they're choking

2. Strike the back between their shoulder blades five times

3. Perform heimlich manuever

4. If victim becomes unconcious, lay them down and try to remove the object from the mouth


What is the process for making a splint?

Find something relatively straight and tie it to the fracture with a bandage. Cushion it with clothing or other types of padding. Make sure to splint the limb exactly as you found it.


Three types of burns and how you treat them

First-Degree - Hold injured area under cold water/cool compresses. Also use aloe vera gel.

Second Degree - Place injured area under cold water/wet clothes. Protect it with gauze pads. Do not apply ointments or pop blisters.

Third Degree - Call 911 and wrap a clean, dry cloth around the injury and treat for shock. Do not remove clothing or apply ointments.


How to treat warm-blooded animal bites?

(Also may apply to non-venomous snakebites)

Wash the wound with soap and water and cover with sterile bandage. Seek medical attention.

It could have rabies, so for this reason talk to police/rangers and give a description of the animal so they can deal with it. If it a pet, write down owner's details and give it to public authorities.


What do you do in cases of swallowed poisoning?

1. Call poison helpline/911

2. Treat for shock

3. Do not attempt to make victim vomit, but if they do collect it in a container to show to the doctor.


Difference between Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest

Heart Attack - An artery to the heart is blocked, preventing bloodflow

Cardiac Arrest - The heart stops beating.


How do you treat arm fractures?

1. Tie a splint where the arm fracture is.

2. Tie a SLING to support the arm as well.

How to treat hypothermia?

1. Move victim to a warm area. Remove wet clothes and wrap them in blankets.

2. Have them drink warm liquids (not caffeinated)

3. Wrap warm water bottles and put them on groin/armpit areas.

4. Call for help.


How to treat venomous snakebites?

Keep victim calm and wash the wound. Remove jewelry.

Restrict movement by loosely splinting and keep it at heart-level or below.

Call 911 and make sure victim does not move too much.

Encourage person to stay calm and treat for shock.


What do you do for inhaled poisons?

1. Check the scene and approach ONLY IF IT IS SAFE

2. Move the victim to fresh air

3. Get medical help

4. Regularly check that victim is still breathing


All five signs of a heart attack

1. Chest pain

2. Sweating

3. Nausea

4. Trouble breathing

5. Feeling weak


Which type of fractures are treated as hurry cases (there are two)

1. Head/Spine fracture

2. Femur/Thigh bone fracture


How do you treat frostbite?

1. Move victim to warm area.

2. If ear/cheek if affected, use palm of hand to warm it. If hand is affected, slip it under warm clothing.

3. Get victim into dry clothing, wrap area in a blanket, and call for help.

4. Rewarm injury by placing it in warm water. Place a gauze between fingers/toes if hands/feet are affected.


What is a hurry case that can happen with any insect bite? (But most common with bee/wasp/hornet stings). How do you treat it?

Anaphylactic shock: Severe allergic reaction. Call 911 and give the victim an epipen if they have it on hand. 
