chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5

Which item would be in a first aid kit:

A. 7 lollipops

B. 9 masks

C. 8 sterile gauze pads

what is C. * 8 sterile gauze pads


what do you have to do before giving first aid

What is gathering information that will guide your next action


what causes heart attacks

a blockage of blood flow in the heart muscle


the two things you should do to help a baby that is chocking

back blows, and two finger chest thrusts

2 symptoms of acute illness 

what is 

Trouble breathing. Pain, such as chest pain, abdominal pain or a headache. Changes in level of consciousness, such as being confused or unaware of one’s surroundings, or becoming unresponsive. Light-headedness or dizziness. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or stomach cramps. A fever, Pale or very flushed skin, which may be excessively sweaty or dry, or excessively hot or cold.


why was the good Samaritan law developed

what is to encourage people to help others in emergency situations


What should you do with the service animal if the person in need of care has a disability

Keep them together to avoid anxiousness


when can brain damage for a heart attack become irreversible 

8 to 10 minutes after the heart attack


the 2 types of objects that causes chocking the most

what is food and household objects/toys


an illness that strikes suddenly and usually last only a short period of time

what is an acute illness


what are the 2 types of pathogens that can affect you or the person you are caring for

what are Bloodborne and airborne pathogens 

If the person in need of care speaks a different language how should you speak

in a normal voice


what is the chain of cardiac arrest survival

5 action  that when performed in rapid succession increases someone's chances of surviving cardiac arrest

if the chocking person is to big for you to give abdominal thrusts

you have to give chest thrusts instead


3 general guidelines to acute illnesses 

what are Do no further harm. Monitor the person’s breathing and level of consciousness. Help the person rest in the most comfortable position. Keep the person from getting chilled or overheated. Reassure the person that you will help and that EMS personnel have been called (if appropriate).


the 4 signs of emergencies

what are unusual sights, sounds, behaviors, and odors?


What is the first thing you should check if the person seems unresponsive 

Check for breathing for no more than 5-10 seconds


what is cardiac arrest

when the heart is beating abnormally or not at all


the two ways to help with a choking adult

what are back blows and abdominal thrusts

shortness of breath or fast/ shallow breathing 

what is respiratory disease


who are 3 professions the EMS systems

what are police officer, firefighter, ski patrol officers, park rangers, athletic trainers, emergency medical technicians, and paramedics


What do you need to do first if the person in need of care is a child

What is checking for their parent or guardian


4 symptoms of a heart attack

dizziness light-headedness, trouble breathing, sweating, persistent chest pain, pain in or or both arms, nausea or vomiting, feeling of impending doom, pale ashen or  bluish skin, extreme fatigue, unresponsiveness 


signs of chocking

what is a panicked expression, one or both hands on your throat, and coughing or the inability to cough


substances and conditions that activate asthma 

What are triggers
