Recognizing an emergency exists, deciding to take action, activating the EMS system, and giving care until EMS personnel take over.
What are the four basic steps in understanding the EMS system?
When the blood flow to part of the heart muscle is blocked. (e.g., as a result of coronary artery disease).
What is a heart attack?
Nuts/seeds, sausages, chunks of meat or cheese, grapes, vegetables, or popcorn.
What are food choking hazards?
Trouble breathing, pain (abdominal pain or headache), changes in consciousness, lightheadedness, nausea/vomiting, fever, or pale/flushed skin.
What are symptoms of sudden illness?
Unusual sounds, unusual sights, unusual odors, and unusual behaviors.
What are signs of an emergency?
What is how long you should wait to check for responsiveness?
Call 911, have the person be in a comfortable position to reduce the heart's need for oxygen, and reassure the person.
What is 'what you should do when someone is suspected of having a heart attack'?
Coins, buttons, magnets, marbles, or small batteries.
What are non-food choking hazards?
Do no further harm, monitor the persons breathing and level of consciousness, help the person rest in a comfortable position, keep person from getting chilled or overheated, and reassure the person.
What is first aid care for sudden illness?
(Usually) Protects responders who act the way a 'reasonable and prudent person' would act if that person were in the same situation.
What is the Good Samaritan Law?
Speak clearly and don't cover your mouth. Use simple terms and speak clear sentences. Keep service animals/assistive device on or nearby.
What is 'what to do when caring for a person with a disability'?
When the heart stops beating or beats too ineffectively to circulate blood to the brain and other vital organs.
What is cardiac arrest?
Position yourself on the side of the person and bend the person over. Place one arm diagonally across the person’s chest to provide support. Give 5 back blows. Then, position the person upright and position yourself behind them. Finding the navel, place your fist on the navel (thumb side toward you and the person) and give 5 abdominal thrusts.
What is caring for a choking adult (that is responsive)?
Trouble breathing, swelling, a feeling of tightness in the chest or throat, Skin reactions (such as hives, itchiness or flushing).
What are causes of allergic reactions?
Stating your name, state the level of training you have (in first aid/CPR), explain what you think is wrong, explain what you plan to do, and ask if you may help.
What is obtaining consent to help?
Speak in a normal voice, do not shout. Find a bystander who speaks the same language. Tell the 911 operator what language you think the person speaks, and that you have trouble communicating.
What is 'what to do when caring for a person who speaks a different language'?
Pain or discomfort in chest is persistent, pain in one or both arms, lightheadedness, trouble breathing, nausea/vomiting, pale ashen or blue-ish skin, sweating, a feeling of impending doom, extreme fatigue, or unresponsiveness.
What are possible symptoms of a heart attack?
Ask for consent before giving care for the child. Position yourself on the side of the person and bend the person over. Place one arm diagonally across the person’s chest to provide support. You may have to kneel to better support the child. Give 5 back blows. Then, position the person upright and position yourself behind them. Finding the navel, place your fist on the navel (thumb side toward you and the person) and give 5 abdominal thrusts.
What is caring for a choking child?
Call 911, see if the person having an allergic reaction has medicine (Epi-Pen/Epinephrine) or find someone that does, adminisiter medication, and if you are alone wait for EMS to show up and put the person in a comfortable position.
What is first aid for allergic reactions?
Using PPE, disinfecting equipment that was used, and washing your hands.
What is lowering the risk of infections?
Signs & Symptoms, Allergies, Medications, Pertinent medical history, last food/drink, and events leading up to the incident.
What is to gather more information with S.A.M.P.L.E.?
4-6 minutes can start. 8-10 minutes can make it irreversible.
What is 'how long does it take for brain damage to occur'?
Ask for consent before giving care to the infant. Position the infant on your arm (supporting the infant's head) and lower the child to make the head lower than the chest. Administer 5 back blows. Again, position the infant so that the head is lower than the chest. Using two fingers, administer two chest thrusts, similar to CPR.
What is caring for a choking infant?
Call 911, note signs and symptoms of when the stroke started, and stay with the person and provide reassurance until EMS arrive.
What is first aid care for stroke?