Heat/Cold Injuries
Severe Bleeds
Leg/Arm Injuries

The 3 types of heat injuries

Heat cramp, Heat exhaustion, Heat stroke


Give an example of a severe bleed



Something that would cause a leg fracture.

E.g. Car crash


Difference between first and second degree burn.

  • 1st degree SS

    • pink or red

    • Swelling of skin

    • Tenderness

    • Top layer of skin damaged

  • Second degree SS

    • 1st degree burns on the outside edges of burn

    • White or red, waxy, sticky

    • Blisters 

    • Extremely painful 

    • both layers of skin damaged


What does the Latin term "Pro Fide" stand for?

For the Faith


4 types/degrees of hypothermia

Mild, Moderate, Severe, Immersion


The two types of bleeds:

Closed/Internal and Open/External


If the patient has an upper leg fracture, assume:

Head and Spinal


Name all 4 kinds of burns.

Heat, Chemical, Electrical, Radiation


What comes after "Pro Fide - For the Faith;" in the cadet code of chivalry, and what does it mean?

Pro Utilitate Hominum–For the Service of Humanity


HELP stands for...

Heat Escape Lessening Posture


Difference between internal and external bleeding

Internal: harder to assess, bruised/stiff area, indicated by shock which progressively gets worse

External: blood escapes through open wounds, at risk of infection


Describe how to treat a knee injury (bent leg).

lay down 5 triangulars: thigh, above and below knee, shin, ankle

short splint on both sides of leg

Nail bed test before and after; padding underneath knee

Tie most stable to least stable. Figure 8 ankle.


Name a cause for each of the 4 kinds of burns.

  • Heat burns

    • E.g. hot water/steam, campfire, stovetop, friction (rug) burn, 

  • Chemical burns

    • E.g. bleach, drain cleaner, acid spill

  • Electrical burns

    • E.g. exposed outlet, electrical cord/wires

  • Radiation burns

    • E.g. the sun, x-rays


Fill in the blank: Today, The Order of St. John is made up of two foundations: The St. John ______ ________ in Jerusalem, and St. JohnAmbulance, which consists of the St. John Ambulance Brigade and the St. John AmbulanceAssociation 

Eye Hospital


5 types of heat loss methods

Radiation, Respiration, Evaporation, Conduction, Convection


Describe an arterial bleed and a venous bleed.

Arterial: Bright red, spurts with each pulse, more severe

Venous: darker, steady flow, easier to control, less severe


Do a tubular sling on a team mate properly. 

No mistakes


What is the rule of 9s for adults?

9%: head, neck

9%: each arm

18%: front torso area

18%: back torso area

18%: each leg

1% genitalia


Recite the cadet code of chivalry without mistakes.

I promise: 

To serve God; 

To be loyal to the King and to my Officers;

To observe the mottoes of the Order, which are:

Pro Fide–For the Faith; and

Pro Utilitate Hominum–For the Service of Humanity;

To be thorough in work and play;

To be truthful and just in all things;

To be cheerful and prompt in all I do;

To help the suffering and the needy; and

To be kind to all animals.


Verbally desrcibe treatment of Heat Stroke

1. Lower body temperature

- Move to cooler, shaded areas
- Remove outer clothing (hat, jacket, etc.)

- If possible, immerse in cool water up to their chin

- Cover in damp sheets & fan them

- Sponge casualty w/cool water

- Put cold packs on armpits, neck, groin

2. Once cooled, put casualty into shock position (or recovery position if unconscious)

3. OCC


Describe how to treat an amputation

1. RED, dress with gauze, abpad, and tie w/ broad triangular

2. Call for medical help

3. Wrap amputated part with a clean, moist dressing (if possible)

4. Put it in a clean (watertight) plastic bag and seal it

5. Put that in a second bag/container of crushed ice

6. Tag: date & time, what it is (& location), person

  • E.g. multiple fingers amputated; take note which finger it is and which side (left or right)

  • Send it off with medical help


Describe a full treatment of an open upper leg fracture

Tent fracture

Do log cabin (nail bed test before and after)

Lay out 7 triangulars at chest, hips, above injury, below injury, knee, shin, ankle

Lay down long and short splint

Tying from most stable to least stable (ensure they are tight); figure 8 on ankle


Describe the treatment of a chemical burn.

Do scene survey and primary survey. 

Flush the area with large amounts of cool water. Remove contaminated clothing while flushing. If the chemical is a dry powder, quickly brush off any loose chemical with a cloth before flushing. 

Continue flushing the area with water for 15 to 20 minutes. 

When the pain has lessened, loosely cover the burn with a clean, lint-free dressing. Wrap loosely with triangular. 

Give ongoing casualty care


Name 4 of the 8 Langues (or Tongues) of the St. John Cross. Alternatively, name the 4 of arms of the  St. John Cross.

Langues: France, Auvergne, Provence, Italy, Castile, Aragon, Englad, Germany

Arms: Temperance, Justice, Fortitude, Prudence
