What is the name of the sacred vessel that holds the consecrated hosts after Communion?
After the First Reading, the lector says, "The Word of the Lord." What do you say?
"Thanks be to God."
What are the students called who assist the priest during mass?
Altar servers
What is the name of the place in church where the priest gets everything ready for mass?
The sacristy
After the Gospel, the priest says, "The Gospel of the Lord." What do you say?
"Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ."
What Color vestments is the priest wearing at mass during ordinary time?
What is the name of the space where you sit, kneel, and stand during mass?
A pew.
As you receive communion, the priest or Eucharistic Minister says, "The Body of Christ." What do you say?
What is the Golden Rule or the New Commandment that Jesus gave to us?
"Love one another as I have loved you." or "Treat others the way you would like to be treated."
What is the name of the table where the bread and wine are consecrated?
Before the Gospel, everyone stands. What do you sing?
What is the name of the special meal that Jesus shared with his friends?
Last Supper
At Mass we come together to listen to God's Word from the ___________________.
At the end of Mass, the priest says: "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord." What do you say?
"Thanks be to God."
Who said, "I am with you always, until the end of time?"