How many disciples did Jesus have?
12 disciples
What is the name of our church?
St Mark Church
What prayer ends with "...pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death?"
Hail Mary
After the First Reading, the lector says, "The Word of the Lord." What do you say?
"Thanks be to God."
What day of the week is the greatest holy day for Catholics?
Did Jesus invite his Disciples to breakfast or supper?
What is the name of one of our priest?
Farther Arturo Banuelas
What prayer ends with "and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil?"
"Our Father" also know as "The Lord's Prayer"
After the Gospel, the priest says, "The Gospel of the Lord." What do you say?
"Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ."
What is Jesus' great sacrifice for us?
His death on the cross
What did Jesus eat on the last supper?
Bread and Wine
What do you call the table in the front of the church?
What prayer is used when praying with beads?
The Holy Rosary
As you receive communion, the priest or Eucharistic Minister says, "The Body of Christ." What do you say?
When do we celebrate Christmas?
December 25
What does a "Disciple" mean?
follower of Jesus
Who makes up the church?
We do!
What prayer starts with "My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart?"
Act of Contrition
The Holy Spirit
What is the name of the special meal that Jesus shared with his friends?
Last Supper
True or False
We are a Roman Catholic Church
Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will ____________________.
come again.
At the end of Mass, the priest says: "Go in peace to love and serve the Lord." What do you say?
"Thanks be to God."
Why are we here today?
to prepare for our First Holy Communion