Who is Jesus?
The Son of God
What is the special place where Mass is celebrated?
The church
What is the sacrament we receive before First Communion to say sorry for our sins?
Reconciliation or Confession
How should we enter the church before Mass starts?
Quietly and reverently
What do we do before we pray to show respect?
Make the Sign of the Cross
What special meal did Jesus have with His friends before He died?
The Last Supper
what do we call the table where the priest prepares the Eucharis?
The alter
What prayer do we say to ask for forgiveness after Confession?
The Act of Contrition
Why do we kneel during certain parts of the Mass?
To show reverence to God
What do we call the small book that tells Bible stories for each Sunday?
The Missal
What do we receive in Holy Communio?
The Body and Blood of Jesus
What do we say when the priest says “Let us give thanks to the Lord our God”?
”It is right and just”
What do we call the prayer that Jesus taught us?
The Our Father
What should we do when receiving Communion?
Bow, hold out hands or open mouth, say “Amen”
What do we receive on our forehead on Ash Wednesda?
Ashes in the shape of a cross
What do we the change of bread and wine into Jesus’ Body and Blood?
What do we say when the priest says, “The Lord be with you”?
”And with your spirit“
What is the name of the prayer where we say “Hail Mary, full of grace”?
The Hail Mary
Why do we remain quiet in the church?
To show respect and to pray
What do we call the season before Easter when we prepare our hearts for Jesus’?
What did Jesus say at the Last Supper when He blessed the bread?
What are the two main parts of the Mass?
Liturgy of the Word and Liturgy of the Eucharist
How many sacraments are there in the Catholic Church?
What should we do after receiving Communion?
Go back to the pew and pray silently
What do we celebrate on November 1st?
All Saints’ Day