Where do you go when you get to school?
The 5th and 6th grade hallway in the high school
What does it mean to use your time wisely?
To use every minute possible to work on an assignment.
What happens when you get 70% or less on a test?
What event does Mrs. Kaufman do in rodeos?
Barrel racing
What do you do first when you come into the classroom?
Unpack your bags and put them into your locker.
Pre-spelling test are always on which day?
Day 1
Who is responsible for turning their work in?
You (the student)
How many animals does Mrs. Kaufman have?
6 1/2 (3 horses, a pony, 1 cat, 2 dogs)
Before leaving to go to the bathroom, you?
Sign the sign out sheet.
What do we take to math?
We take a pencil, ruler, binder/notebook, math book
If you want to answer what will you do?
Raise hand
How old is her daughter?
9 months
What should you do when you come into the room after lunch, music, or keyboarding?
Get ready to work or read quietly
What do we do before leaving for PE?
Put all of belongings on our chair.
If you make careless mistakes and rush through assignments what will you have to do?
Where was Mrs. Kaufman born?
Atlanta, GA
What do you need to do in order to receive tickets?
Have your planner filled out at the end of the day and not have your name on the board.
How many study halls do we have a day?
Whats the biggest thing you need to do to be successful??
How many towns has Mrs. Kaufman lived in?