what is the first part in Westwood's motto? Pride in _______?
There are two things you need every day in this class. What are they?
A pencil, your notebook, and a book to read.
Who is in charge of plugging in their chromebooks?
What happens if I don't have my pencil or notebook?
It will count towards a tardy (except for the first 2 offences).
When the bell rings where should you be and what should you be doing?
In your seat and working on the entry task.
what is the second part of Westwood's motto? Pride in _________?
Our learning!
How do I know what we are doing today and what is needed?
The screen/what I tell you after the entry task
Who is in responsible for making sure your chair is pushed in?
What happens if you use classroom supplies improperly during during class (especially a lab)?
No more labs... Welcome to an alternative and extremely less fun way of learning that is far... far away from the cool stuff we will do in this class.
What should I do if I need to use the restroom?
Notify the teacher (when appropriate) in a non-disruptive way, sign out, come back promptly, and sign back in.
what is the third part of Westwood's motto? Pride in _________?
Our Community!
Is my grading scale different than the other teachers you have?
Who is in charge grabbing table supplies?
The table group leader.
Situation: OMG! I am so sorry I was sick, absent, or taking an awesome vacation with the family (bring me back a souvenir if you want ;P)... what happens with my assignments/quizzes/tests that are missing? Do I get a ZERO!?
So long as you get in your work and make up those quizzes/tests before the end of the unit you will not be penalized!
True or False: I can walk around the classroom freely during classtime.
What is our mascots name?
How do we turn in assignments?
Pass them to the front. Teacher assistant will grab them when all are passed forward.
When can I sharpen my pencil?
Before class or when you are given permission to do so.
Only one student at a time.
True or false: I can't change seats to sit next to my friends.
True. There may be times where I will give this opportunity - don't ask when this will happen.
What is the name of our Principal, and Assistant Principals?
Mrs. Tobler,
What happens if my cellphone or any non-academic electronics are being used during class time?
they will be confiscated, taken to the office, and can be retrieved at the end of the day.
If this happens 3 times your parent/guardian will be required to pick up the cell phone at the office.
Who is in charge of another students job if a student is absent?
The student who is given the substitute position.
I am going through some things or need to talk to a counselor. How do I do it?
Fill out a form or talk with your teacher and they will help you put in a request. (they will get to you when they can. I PROMISE!)
When is it okay to pack my things up?
When 3 minutes until the bell rings.
What is the coolest class?
How do we earn free-time Friday (last 15 minutes of class)
As a class you must meet all classroom expectations for 5 days in a row.
This may be pushed to the following monday/tuesday if there is an assessment or quiz the last day of the school week.
Who is in charge of letting the teacher know if there are chromebooks unplugged or borrowed pencils not returned?
Classroom supply monitor
What do I need to do if I am turning in a late assignment or something I was absent for?
Write on top of paper: Absent or Late and place in the correct "Late" bin for your class period. You will not be marked down either way. Be honest.
3 minutes are left. You have all of your things packed up. Where should you remain until the bell rings?
At your desk!