Which websites are we allowed on?
Only websites assigned or directed to go on by a teacher.
What time do you have to be in leave Champions each morning?
8:00 am
Can I put items on the teacher's desk?
No, the teacher makes it messy enough and that is how things get lost. Hand assignments that are complete in the completed work bin unless told otherwise
When do students go to Champions after school?
at 2:55 we start dismissal.
We should always _______ each other
Can we go on Yahoo games?
Can I wear a sweater in class if it gets too cold?
Yes. Be sure you don't put your hood on.
Should I talk and play in the bathroom?
No, we have better things to do!
Should I bring lunch for half-days and early release days?
Yes, you will need a lunch for these days.
What should I do if I really dont understand the lesson?
Ask Questions
What do I do if I forget my homework?
Tell the teacher, see if we can get a copy
Can I sharpen my pencil in the middle of instruction?
No, have your pencils sharpened when we start to check-in at the beginning of program.
Give an example of a consequence that a bully might receive.
Talk to the teacher
Talk to the parent
Staying Home
What should I do when Its time to go?
Gather your things, clean up the toys you were using, and wait to be dismissed.
If you are absent from school, what do you need with you when you return?
A note from a parent, or have them text us
What days will you most likely have homework ?
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays
Can I Champions in the evening to ask a question?
Of course! Depending on what time it is I may not get to it until the morning but, definitely ask the question.
What should I do if a teacher starts to clap or says waterfall waterfall
Stop what I am doing clap with her and wait on a cue to stop and listen attentively
If I am late getting to school, can I still come to Champions after?
Is it okay to make mistakes?
Absolutely. As long as you learn from them.
I can use my cellphone during champions
No !
Who is the craziest director?
Mr. Soriano in the MPR (Multipurpose Room)
How should you behave if there is a fire drill? Where do we go?
Quiet and waiting for directions. Walk calmly to front door and head out to the side of the school
Who is responsible for your work getting signed or completed?
YOU-you are a big kid now!