Who Said It?
Where In The World?
Pop Quiz: How Well Do You Know Your Teacher?
Dad Jokes (*Warning: may cause groans)
Irregular Past Perfect Continuous Verbs

I think, therefore I am.

René Descartes - A French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist, Descartes is often referred to as the father of modern philosophy. His statement emphasizes the importance of doubt and reasoning in the pursuit of knowledge.


This country is known for its iconic red double-decker buses, black cabs, and the famous Big Ben clock tower.

England is a popular tourist destination known for its rich history, diverse culture, and iconic landmarks. The red double-decker buses, black cabs, and Big Ben clock tower are instantly recognizable symbols of London, the capital city.


What are Brenda's dogs names?

Cleo & Chloe


What do you call cheese that isn't yours?

Nacho cheese!
This classic dad joke plays on the pun between "nacho" (a type of cheese used in a popular dish) and "not your." The humor comes from the clever wordplay that creates a light-hearted misunderstanding.


What is the past perfect continuous form of the verb "be"?

"had been being"
Summary: The past perfect continuous form of "be" is "had been being." This complex verb phrase illustrates the irregularity of the verb "be," which changes to "been" in the past participle and requires the auxiliary verb "had" in the past perfect continuous tense. Mastering this form is crucial for advanced learners to express ongoing actions that were completed before a specific point in the past.


To be, or not to be, that is the question.

William Shakespeare
An iconic English playwright and poet, Shakespeare is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the English language. This famous line reflects existential themes in his play "Hamlet."


This country is famous for its stunning natural wonders, including the Great Barrier Reef, the Twelve Apostles, and Uluru (Ayers Rock).

Australia is known for its unique and diverse landscapes, from the vibrant Great Barrier Reef to the rugged Twelve Apostles along the Great Ocean Road and the iconic Uluru in the Northern Territory. These natural wonders attract millions of visitors each year, showcasing the beauty and diversity of the Australian continent.


What game is this? It is a fast-paced word guessing game where players try to get their teammates to guess a word without using a list of forbidden words or phrases. 



Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants?

In case he got a hole in one!
This joke combines the sport of golf with a pun. A "hole in one" is a term used when a golfer hits the ball into the hole on the first stroke, but it also suggests the idea of getting a hole in one’s pants. The dual meaning creates a humorous twist.


What is the past perfect continuous form of the verb "have"?

"had been having"
Summary: The past perfect continuous form of "have" is "had been having." This verb phrase demonstrates the irregularity of "have," which changes to "had" in the past perfect tense and requires the continuous form "been having." Understanding this complex structure is essential for advanced learners to accurately convey continuous actions that occurred before a specific time in the past.


The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

Franklin D. Roosevelt
The 32nd President of the United States, Roosevelt led the country through the Great Depression and World War II. This quote from his inaugural address reassured a nation facing economic turmoil.


This country is renowned for its delicious cuisine, including sushi, ramen, and matcha green tea, as well as its advanced technology and anime culture.

Japan is a country that seamlessly blends ancient traditions with modern innovations. Its cuisine, particularly sushi, ramen, and matcha green tea, has gained worldwide popularity. Japan is also known for its advanced technology and thriving anime culture, which has influenced popular culture globally.


How many kids does Brenda have?



How does a penguin build its house?

Igloos it together!
This joke uses a pun involving "igloo" and "glue." The humor arises from the playful imagery of a penguin constructing its home while cleverly substituting "glue" with "igloo," creating a whimsical scenario.


What is the past perfect continuous form of the verb "do"?

"had been doing"
Summary: The past perfect continuous form of "do" is "had been doing." This verb phrase showcases the irregularity of "do," which changes to "done" in the past participle and requires the continuous form "been doing" in the past perfect continuous tense. Mastering this structure helps advanced learners express ongoing actions that were completed before a specific point in the past, even with irregular verbs.


Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.

Martin Luther King Jr.
An influential American civil rights leader, King advocated for nonviolent protest against racial segregation and injustice. This quote underscores the interconnectedness of social justice.


This country is famous for its ancient pyramids, the Nile River, and the iconic Sphinx, as well as its rich history and culture.

Egypt is a country with a long and fascinating history, dating back to the ancient pharaohs. The pyramids of Giza, the Nile River, and the Sphinx are some of the most recognizable landmarks in the world, attracting millions of visitors each year. Egypt's rich cultural heritage and its contributions to art, architecture, and science have had a lasting impact on human civilization.


What lake is near Brenda?

Lake Huron


Why don’t skeletons fight each other?

They don’t have the guts!
This joke plays on the literal and figurative meanings of "guts." Skeletons, being made of bones, lack internal organs, but "having guts" is also a phrase that means having courage. The humor comes from the clever wordplay that combines anatomy with personality traits.


What is the past perfect continuous form of the verb "see"?

"had been seeing"
Summary: The past perfect continuous form of "see" is "had been seeing." This verb phrase illustrates the irregularity of "see," which changes to "seen" in the past participle and requires the continuous form "been seeing" in the past perfect continuous tense. Understanding this complex structure is crucial for advanced learners to accurately convey continuous actions that occurred before a specific time in the past, even with irregular verbs like "see."


The unexamined life is not worth living.

An ancient Greek philosopher, Socrates is known for his contributions to ethics and epistemology. This statement reflects his belief in the importance of self-reflection and critical thinking.


This country is known for its vibrant cities, diverse landscapes, and rich indigenous cultures, including the Maori people and their unique traditions.

New Zealand
New Zealand is a country known for its stunning natural beauty, from the snow-capped mountains of the Southern Alps to the pristine beaches and lush rainforests. It is also home to a diverse array of indigenous cultures, most notably the Maori people, who have a rich tradition of art, music, and storytelling. New Zealand's cities, such as Auckland and Wellington, are known for their vibrant arts scenes and cosmopolitan lifestyles.


What does Brenda always drink in class? 

(*NB: do not say wine... that's not funny.)

Decaf tea with almond milk


What did the ocean say to the beach?

Nothing, it just waved!
This joke relies on a pun involving the word "wave." The ocean "waves" as a gesture, but the term also refers to the physical waves that crash on the beach. The humor is derived from the playful anthropomorphism of the ocean and the clever twist on language.


What is the past perfect continuous form of the verb "go"?

"had been going"?
The past perfect continuous form of "go" is "had been going." This verb phrase demonstrates the irregularity of "go," which changes to "gone" in the past participle and requires the continuous form "been going" in the past perfect continuous tense. Mastering this structure helps advanced learners express ongoing actions that were completed before a specific point in the past, even with irregular verbs like "go."
