Where do you QUIETLY line up before coming inside the classroom?
You hear Cordova counting down from 5... what are you supposed to do?
get quiet
What time does Homeroom end on a regular day?
What does the word sum mean?
the answer to an addition problem
10 - 2
What 3 things get written at the top of Assignments?
You missed a day of school... name 3 places you can get the notes you missed.
Cordova's notebook
What does -3 x -7 equal?
What does vertical mean?
up and down
12 x -4
Where can you find your daily materials?
on the whiteboard
You missed a day of school... where can you find the worksheet that you missed?
inside your folder in the filing cabinet
When does lunch start on a regular day?
What rule do you use to subtract integers?
keep change change
17 + (-3)
What four things go on every set of notes?
page number
You were just given a warning for talking and Cordova just caught you talking again... what is going to happen?
get moved and written on incentive poster
What does a positive times a negative equal?
If you are adding a positive and a negative together, what should you do?
subtract and take sign of the bigger number
(-13) - (-13)
You need to use the restroom.. what two things must happen?
get a pass/agenda signed AND sign out from clipboard
I wanted to use the restroom but the restroom was down... what does that mean?
someone else is using it so I have to wait
When do we go to lunch on Thursdays?
11:24 BUT we have to wait for the announcement
What is a mixed number?
a mixed number is made up of a whole number and a fraction
(2) + (-3) - 4