Your favorite color?
What is ___________!
What happened first, Christmas or Easter?
What is Christmas?
Christmas Day is
What is December 25th?
How many more days until Christmas?
What is 10?
Born to the Blessed Mother Mary
Who is Jesus?
What color is used for Advent?
What is purple.
Where was Jesus born?
What is Bethlehem? (in a manger)
True or False: Easter is on the first of April every year
What is False?
Easter is the Sunday after the First Full Moon in Spring. (after March 21st and before April 25th)
The reason you are taking this class
Anything Goes!
True or False: Christianity began after the Resurrection of Jesus
What is True
Who feast day do we celebrate when we put our shoes out on December 6th
Who is St. Nicholas
The first sacrament we receive.
What is Baptism?
The number of sacraments in the Catholic church
What is 7?
Why was Jesus born?
To save us!
Number of Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What is 7?
How many Sundays does Advent last?
What is 4
Jesus's mother name
Who is Blessed Mary.
The most popular number in the bible
What is 7?
The two sacraments brought this class together
What is First Holy Communion and Confirmation
The Trinity is God the Father, Jesus His Son and
Who is The Holy Spirit?
Who do we honor on the first Sunday after Christmas
What is The Holy Family?
Jesus's Father is
God the Father
Joseph is the Earthly Father who raised Jesus
The number of Apostles that followed Jesus
What is 12?
PSR is an acronym for
What is Parish School of Religion?
The Holy Spirit appeared to the _________ on Pentecost
Who are the 11 Apostles?