Classwork represents what percentage of your overall grade?
Classwork make up 40% of your average grade. Classwork is all student's work done in the class.
I am allowed to be late to class?
No, no, no and no.
If I am tired, Ms. Salazar will allow me to take a nap. True or False.
Say one word you know in Spanish.
- any word
How many legs does a spider have?
What comes after 7?
Does class participation count as a grade?
Yes, participation will be graded.
What should I do if I am tardy? Rehearse the process!
Tardy students will be required to sign into the tardy log.
All required materials are due Monday 29th. True or False
In this class you will only learn the Spanish Language. True or False
False. You will also learn about Spanish speaking countries, their culture, traditions and history.
How many eyes do caterpillars have?
Is the teacher going to check my notebook?
Yes, the teacher will check your notebook/binder regularly, and will grade you on note taking and neatness.
Is it ok to talk to my partner when I'm are working on the Do NOW?
No, the expectation is that the student are working silently on the DO NOW when the tardy bell rings.
What do I do if I need to use the restroom?
I raise my hand and sign the restroom sign (fingers crossed). I wait for the teacher the make eye contact and say or sign it's ok to go. I fill out a restroom pass and go
Spanish language is only spoken in Mexico. True or False
False. Actually, 20 countries count Spanish as their official language.
In which movie does a woman dress up as a man to join the army in her father’s place?
If I am absent, how many days do have to turn in any make-up work?
5 schools days.
I can walk around the classroom as long as I am done with my work.
NOOOO. Only with the teacher's permission
What should I do during the last 5 minutes of class?
Complete the exit ticket, clean up my area, make sure there are not papers or other materials on the floor. Wait in my seat until the teacher dismisses the class.
What are the four modes of communication?
Reading, writing, listening and speaking.
Which two countries share the longest border?
USA and Canada
How many points per school day will be deducted from my grade if I don't turn in an assignment on time?
10 points per school day will be deducted from late work.
Name two rules pertaining technology.
- Chromebook must be charged upon student arrival at school.
- No cellphone use during school hours (8 to 4).
Name 3 of Classroom Expectations.
- Be prompt
- Be prepared
- Be engaged
What is the name of the other Spanish teacher?
Ms. Jimenez
What is the first name of the school principal?