When you are in the lunch line how do you ring up your lunch?
Type in your student code into the machine
Where do your assignments get turned in, in the classroom?
The black trays, in the correct subject tray.
When is payday, and how much money do you get on payday?
Monday, $10
What is Miss Homme's favorite color?
What day do we have Library Checkout, and is it in the morning or afternoon?
Wednesday Afternoon
What happens if you get in trouble on the bus?
You get a pink slip and have to speak to Mr. Nelson the first time. If it keeps happening you will be kicked off the bus.
When should you ask Miss Homme to use the bathroom and fill your waterbottle?
What is Miss Homme's puppies name?
Lexi, or Mrs. Jesme
If there was a fire which door do we go out of?
a. the west door
b. the north door
c. the east door
a. the west door
What happens if you cheat on a test or an assignment?
You will receive a zero on your test/assignment and you will have to call your parents and tell them what happened.
What happens if you get caught stealing someone else's money?
You loose all the money in your wallet.
What is Miss Homme's favorite snack to eat?
If you have a note from your parents who should you bring it to?
Miss Homme first, then she will tell you to keep it or bring it to Patty in the office.
What happens if we go into lockdown in the building and you are in the bathroom, or the hallway? What should you do?
You need to find the nearest classroom and stay in there, Miss Homme will not get upset just get to the nearest classroom.
What should you do each morning before school starts?
Fill your water bottle, use the bathroom, and do your good morning work.
Other than payday how else can you earn money?
Good behavior, AR points, good grades, classroom jobs
Who is Miss Homme's Favorite Sports team? Bonus point: Who is her favorite player?
Minnesota Wild, Joel Erickson Ek
What is a classroom transformation?
The classroom gets transformed to match a theme. We usually earn classroom transformations after finishing book.
What happens if someone is hurt and bleeding? What should you do?
If someone is bleeding find an adult right away. DO NO TOUCH ANY OF THE BLOOD!!!
How do you checkout books from our classroom library?
Use the classroom computer, click on your name, click the search box and scan the barcode on the back of the book.
What happens if you owe Miss Homme money, but you don't have enough money to pay her?
You cannot buy any items if you do not have enough money. If you owe Miss Homme a fine you will get an IOU until it is payed off.
Where did Miss Homme go to college?
Minnesota State University Moorhead
What happens if your teacher is having a medical emergency?