Ms. Johnson's Room!

Walking in classroom

  • Walk, Don't Run: Students are expected to walk, not run, when moving around the classroom to prevent accidents and maintain a calm atmosphere.

  • Stay in Line or on the Path: If students are moving as a group, they should stay in line and follow the designated path, keeping their hands to themselves.

  • Be Quiet or Use an Inside Voice: While walking, students should be quiet or use a soft voice to avoid disturbing others who may be working.

  • Respect Others' Space: Students should be mindful of personal space, not bumping into or pushing others as they walk.

  • Follow Directions: If the teacher or another adult gives specific instructions for moving around the room, students should follow them promptly and respectfully.

  • Be Aware of the Environment: Students should pay attention to their surroundings, avoiding distractions and being careful around furniture, equipment, or other obstacles in the room.


Asking a question while Ms. Johnson is talking

  • Raise Your Hand: Instead of speaking out, the student should raise their hand quietly to signal that they have a question.

  • Wait to Be Called On: The student should wait patiently for the teacher to acknowledge them and give them permission to speak.

  • Stay Quiet While Waiting: While waiting, the student should remain quiet and continue listening to the teacher, without interrupting the flow of the lesson.

  • Ask Respectfully: When called upon, the student should ask their question clearly and respectfully, using an appropriate tone of voice.

  • Consider Timing: If the teacher is giving important instructions or information, the student might wait until there is a pause or until the teacher asks for questions.


Getting planner out

  • Listen for the Teacher’s Cue: Wait for the teacher to give the signal or instruction to get the planner out. This could be a verbal instruction or a routine cue.

  • Move Calmly and Quietly: Reach for the planner calmly, without making unnecessary noise or disrupting others.

  • Stay Organized: Keep your desk area tidy while retrieving the planner, so that materials don’t get scattered or misplaced.

  • Place It on Your Desk: Once the planner is out, place it neatly on your desk, open to the correct page or date as instructed by the teacher.

  • Focus on the Task: Be ready to follow the next set of instructions, whether it's writing down homework, reviewing the day's schedule, or something else.

  • Respect Others: Be mindful of your classmates, making sure your actions don’t disturb those around you.


Water Fountain

Use the Fountain Quickly

  • Take a quick drink so others don’t have to wait too long.
  • Don’t play around at the fountain or take an unnecessarily long time.

3. Keep It Clean

  • Make sure to drink directly from the fountain without putting your mouth on the spout.
  • If water spills, try to keep it contained and wipe it up if needed.

4. Be Quiet

  • Use quiet voices around the water fountain to avoid disturbing others.
  • Avoid shouting or making loud noises while waiting in line.

5. Return to Class Promptly

  • After getting a drink, go back to your classroom or activity right away.
  • Don’t linger or wander around after using the fountain.

6. Respect Others

  • Let others drink without bothering them.
  • If someone is having trouble using the fountain, offer to help or let a teacher know.

Sitting at desk showing learning position

  • Sit Up Straight: Students should sit up straight with their backs against the chair. This posture helps them stay alert and focused.

  • Feet Flat on the Floor: Both feet should be flat on the floor, providing stability and balance.

  • Hands on Desk: Hands should be placed on the desk, ready to write, use materials, or listen attentively. This shows that they are prepared to engage in the lesson.

  • Eyes on the Speaker or Task: Students should keep their eyes on the teacher or the task at hand, showing that they are paying attention.

  • Materials Organized: Books, notebooks, and other materials should be neatly arranged on the desk, ready for use. This helps minimize distractions and keeps students focused.

  • Quiet and Focused: Students should remain quiet unless participating in the lesson, maintaining focus on their work or the teacher's instructions.



  • Stop Talking: Voices should be completely off.
  • Clear Desks: Make sure the desk is cleared of unnecessary items.
  • Get into Learning Position: Sit up straight, feet flat on the floor, hands on the desk, and eyes focused on the teacher or task.

Working on an assignment

Understanding Instructions

  • Students should be able to read and understand the instructions for an assignment without needing extensive explanations.
  • They should know how to ask clarifying questions if they do not understand something.

2. Time Management

  • Students are expected to manage their time effectively, knowing how to prioritize tasks and complete assignments within the given time frame.
  • They should be able to break down larger tasks into smaller steps and work on them systematically.

3. Staying Focused

  • Students should stay on task without needing constant reminders from the teacher.
  • They should be able to work quietly and avoid distractions.

4. Problem-Solving

  • When faced with challenges or obstacles in their work, third graders are expected to try solving problems on their own before seeking help.
  • They should be able to use resources such as textbooks, notes, or reference materials independently.

5. Following Routines

  • Students should follow established classroom routines, such as gathering necessary materials, starting assignments promptly, and cleaning up after finishing their work.

6. Completing Assignments

  • They are expected to complete assignments on their own without relying on the teacher or peers to do the work for them.
  • The work should reflect their understanding and effort.

7. Self-Assessment

  • Third graders should begin to review their work for mistakes before turning it in.
  • They should be able to assess whether they’ve met the assignment’s requirements.

8. Asking for Help

  • While independence is encouraged, students should know when it’s appropriate to ask for help and do so after attempting the work on their own.

Entering the classroom in the morning

Quietly lined up outside classroom

Enter classroom with voices off

Quickly put backpack away 

Planner out on desk

Making a good choice when you're done


Gathering materials

Be Prepared

  • Make sure you have all the materials you need before you start working. This might include pencils, paper, books, or any other supplies.

2. Get Materials Quickly and Quietly

  • When you need to get materials, do it quickly and quietly. Avoid running or making noise that could disturb others.

3. Use One Trip

  • Try to gather everything you need in one trip. This helps you stay organized and avoid interrupting your work or the work of others.

Ms. Johnson gets a phone call

  • Stay Quiet: Students should remain completely silent and continue working or listening, respecting the teacher’s need to answer the call.

  • Stay Focused: Keep working on the assigned task or wait quietly for the teacher's instructions after the call.

  • Avoid Distraction: Students should not attempt to eavesdrop on the conversation or make comments about it.

  • Follow Any New Instructions: If the teacher gives new instructions related to the phone call, students should follow them promptly.


Working as a group 

 Listen Carefully

  • Pay attention when the teacher or a classmate is talking.
  • Don’t interrupt or talk over others.

2. Join In

  • Participate by sharing your ideas and answering questions.
  • Everyone should take part in the activity.

3. Be Respectful

  • Respect others’ opinions, even if you don’t agree.
  • Use kind words and take turns when speaking.

4. Follow Directions

  • Do what the teacher asks right away.
  • Stay on task and follow the group rules.

5. Work Together

  • Help each other and share the work equally.
  • Make sure everyone is included and working together.

6. Stay Focused

  • Keep your attention on the group activity.
  • Don’t get distracted by talking or playing with things.

7. Ask Questions

  • If you don’t understand something, ask a question.
  • Try to answer questions to help the group.

8. Be Positive

  • Keep a good attitude, even if the work is hard.
  • Encourage others and help create a friendly group atmosphere.

9. Reflect

  • Think about how the group worked together.
  • Be open to suggestions on how to improve next time.

When you're finished with your work

Sitting doing nothing is not an option


Spelling words

Prodigy/Espark if you're given permission


Transitioning to WIN groups

Line Up Quietly

  • Line up quickly and quietly, without pushing or talking.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself while in line.

3. Walk Safely

  • Walk, don’t run, to the next classroom. Move at a calm and steady pace.
  • Stay in line and follow the path the teacher has set.

4. Stay Focused

  • Keep your eyes and attention on where you’re going. Don’t get distracted by other students or things around you.

5. Be Respectful

  • Respect other classes that might be working by staying quiet in the hallways.
  • Be polite to teachers, classmates, and other students you may pass.

6. Bring What You Need

  • Make sure you have all the materials you need for the next class before leaving.
  • Double-check that you didn’t leave anything behind.

7. Enter Quietly

  • When you reach the next classroom, enter quietly and find your seat or spot without disturbing others.
  • Wait for the teacher’s instructions before beginning any work.

8. Be Ready to Learn

  • Once you’re in the new classroom, get ready to learn right away. Take out any materials you need and focus on the new lesson.
Bathroom Break

 Ask for Permission

  • Always ask the teacher for permission before leaving the classroom to use the bathroom.
  • Wait for the teacher to give you the signal to go.

2. Go Quickly and Quietly

  • Walk to the bathroom calmly and quietly.
  • Use the bathroom quickly so you can get back to class without missing too much learning time.

3. Respect Privacy

  • Give others privacy in the bathroom. Don’t peek under or over stalls.
  • Wait your turn if all the stalls are occupied.

4. Use Facilities Properly

  • Flush the toilet after you’re done and wash your hands with soap and water.
  • Use paper towels or hand dryers appropriately, and throw trash in the bin.

5. Keep it Clean

  • Keep the bathroom clean by not leaving a mess behind.
  • If you see something out of place, like a paper towel on the floor, pick it up and throw it away.

6. Return to Class Promptly

  • After using the bathroom, return to class right away.
  • Re-enter the classroom quietly so you don’t disturb others.

Ms. Johnson is working at the back table

 Work Independently

  • Students not in the small group should focus on their assigned tasks quietly.
  • They should try to complete their work on their own without needing help from the teacher.

2. Stay Quiet

  • Keep noise levels down so the teacher can work with the small group without distractions.
  • Avoid talking to classmates unless it’s necessary for your work.

3. Follow Directions

  • Continue following any instructions or routines the teacher has given for working independently.
  • Stay on task and use your time wisely.

4. Ask for Help Appropriately

  • If you have a question, try to solve it on your own first by using available resources like books, notes, or tools in the classroom.
  • If you still need help, ask a classmate quietly or save your question for when the teacher is available.

5. Stay in Your Workspace

  • Stay at your desk or assigned area to complete your work.
  • Don’t walk around the classroom unless you have permission, like if you need to sharpen a pencil or get supplies.

6. Respect the Small Group

  • Do not interrupt the small group session unless it’s an emergency.
  • Understand that the teacher’s focus is on the small group during this time, so be patient if you need something.

7. Complete Assigned Work

  • Use the time to finish the work the teacher has assigned.
  • If you finish early, you should have something else to work on, like reading a book or starting another assignment.

8. Be Responsible

  • Take responsibility for your own learning by staying on task and doing your best work, even when the teacher isn’t watching you directly.


 Listen for Instructions

  • Pay attention to the teacher’s directions on when and how to transition.
  • Follow the instructions the first time they are given.

2. Move Calmly

  • Walk, don’t run, during transitions to avoid accidents.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself as you move.

3. Stay Quiet

  • Use a quiet voice or no voice at all during transitions to avoid disturbing others.
  • Focus on where you’re going and what you need to do next.

4. Stay in Line

  • If you’re lining up, stand in a straight line and face forward.
  • Keep a comfortable space between yourself and others in line.

5. Be Ready

  • Have all the materials you need ready before the transition begins.
  • Make sure you’ve cleaned up your previous area before moving to the next one.

6. Respect Others

  • Be mindful of others around you during transitions, whether in the classroom, hallway, or other spaces.
  • Avoid bumping into others or causing distractions.

7. Follow Routines

  • Stick to the established routines for transitions, whether it’s moving between subjects, heading to specials, or going to recess.
  • Familiar routines help make transitions smoother and quicker.

8. Prepare for the Next Activity

  • As you transition, think about what you need for the next activity or class.
  • Be ready to start working right away when you arrive.

Playing at recess

Line Up Quietly

  • Line up quickly and quietly, without pushing or talking.
  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself while in line.

3. Walk Safely

  • Walk, don’t run, to the next classroom. Move at a calm and steady pace.
  • Stay in line and follow the path the teacher has set.

4. Stay Focused

  • Keep your eyes and attention on where you’re going. Don’t get distracted by other students or things around you.

5. Be Respectful

  • Respect other classes that might be working by staying quiet in the hallways.
  • Be polite to teachers, classmates, and other students you may pass.

6. Bring What You Need

  • Make sure you have all the materials you need for the next class before leaving.
  • Double-check that you didn’t leave anything behind.

7. Enter Quietly

  • When you reach the next classroom, enter quietly and find your seat or spot without disturbing others.
  • Wait for the teacher’s instructions before beginning any work.

8. Be Ready to Learn

  • Once you’re in the new classroom, get ready to learn right away. Take out any materials you need and focus on the new lesson.

Talking to adults and peers

Use Respectful Language

  • Speak politely, using kind words and a calm tone.
  • Say “please,” “thank you,” “excuse me,” and other polite phrases when appropriate.

2. Listen When Others Are Speaking

  • Give your full attention when someone else is talking.
  • Don’t interrupt; wait until the person is finished before you speak.

3. Make Eye Contact

  • Look at the person you’re speaking to. This shows that you’re listening and paying attention.

4. Speak Clearly

  • Use a clear voice so others can understand you.
  • Don’t mumble or speak too softly.

5. Take Turns in Conversations

  • Let others share their thoughts and ideas too.
  • Don’t dominate the conversation; make sure everyone gets a chance to speak.

Managing yourself

 Stay on Task

  • Focus on the work you need to do. Don’t let yourself get distracted by what’s happening around you.

2. Be Organized

  • Keep your materials neat and ready. Know where your supplies are so you can work without wasting time.

3. Work Quietly

  • Use a quiet voice or no voice at all. Remember, others are working too, and it’s important to keep the room calm.

4. Follow Your Plan

  • If the teacher gave you a schedule or list of things to do, follow it step by step.
  • If you finish early, move on to the next thing you can do without needing the teacher’s help.

5. Handle Problems Calmly

  • If you run into a problem, try to solve it on your own first. Use the resources you have or think about other ways to figure it out.

6. Make Good Choices

  • Decide to do what’s right, even if no one is watching. This means staying focused, being kind, and helping yourself stay productive.

7. Ask for Help the Right Way

  • If you really need help, wait for the right time to ask, like when the teacher is done with the small group.
  • If it’s not urgent, you can jot it down and ask later.

8. Stay Positive

  • Keep a positive attitude. If something is hard, don’t give up. Believe that you can do it with some effort.

Interacting with other students

Absolutely no bullying in this classroom. 

Always be respectful

Be kind to others always

Take turns 

Be inclusive
