How can you earn Beaver Bucks?
By following classroom rules, being respectful, listening etc...
What time do we go home?
What should I do in the lunchroom??
Eat my lunch (or breakfast)
Who is the Technology (tech) teacher?
Mrs. Hardebeck
What is an expected behavior at school?
Walking in the hallways!
If you finish work early, what can you do during free time?
Read a book!
Can we eat in the library??
Should I ask to leave the class during a special?
No! Please go to the bathroom and get drinks before you come in!
Who is our school librarian?
Mrs. Hardebeck
What is an unexpected behavior at school?
Hitting, punching, yelling etc...
What should you always bring to class?
positive attitude, be ready to work
What are you most excited about in school this year?
What is your favorite movie?
Can you go behind or touch Mrs. Hardebeck's desk?
No, that is her space
What should you do if you have a question in class?
Raise your hand
Who is a new teacher that is at our school this year?
Mrs. Richardson
Mrs. Talbert
Mrs. Rakoczy
What could you do if you see a classmate playing alone during recess?
Ask them to play with you.
Who is the only male adult, other than the janitor, in the school?
Mr. Doughty (and Mr. Holmes on Thursday's)
Should you be respectful of all the adults in the room?
Yes, they are here to help
Is it okay to make mistakes?
Yes! We all make mistakes, even adults!
What is your favorite part of the school day?
What is an expected behavior in the lunch room?
Who is the Dean of Students (Principal) at Morocco Elementary?
Mrs. Blake
Who is responsible for your behavior at school?
YOU. It is your job to be doing the expected behaviors!