Room 112
What is our classroom number
$1.00 AlgeBuck
What I pay to get a hall pass?
What is the time school starts?
Dr. Whitt
What is the name of our principal?
What is the newest part of the stadium?
What is the track?
Mrs. Himbury's desk, fridge, coffee pot
What is someplace we are not to touch?
This goes in classroom pocket
What is cell phone?
Coach Barkley
What is the Athletic director and head football coach?
What is cost to purchase a parking spot?
when you are absent
What is check the absent bin?
The right side
What is the side of the hall we walk on?
respectful, responsible, kind, and safe
What is how a student should behave in the classroom?
Mrs. Nevels
What is the name of the counselor?
Where is the bus for pick-up?
What is front of school on the corner?
What is the one thing Mrs. Himbury hates the most?
Free, before school, or immediately after 1st hour
What is breakfast?
Mrs. Sanders
What is the name of the secretary?
sweatshirt or jacket
What is what I am to bring to school with me in cold weather?
Before school, after school, or by appointment
What is extra help time?
Every three weeks
What is when does seminar rotate?
What main sport did Dr. Whitt play in college?
What is baseball?
Where Ag classes are held
What is Tech Center ?