The Egyptian and Nubian Empires
The Assyrian Empire
The Persian Empire
The Unification of China

Why would a ruler encourage trade rather
than making war? 

Trade is less expensive; troops may be needed elsewhere; failed wars might weaken the ruler’s power.


What natural resources did Assyria need to keep its empire strong? 

iron ore and copper for weapons and armor


How did Cyrus compare to Sennacherib?

Both men led conquests, but Cyrus treated conquered peoples with respect.


How did the creation of a bureaucracy promote equality? 

government jobs more open to any male who became educated, not just the wealthy


What evidence supports the idea that Egypt’s decline was political but not cultural?

Both the Libyans and the Nubians adopted Egyptian culture.


Why do you think modern historians value the library at Nineveh? 

It provided much information about early Southwest Asian civilizations.


What reasons may explain the revolts under Darius? 

defense of religion and culture; death of Cambyses made empire unstable


Why did the I Ching appeal to many people in ancient China?

The I Ching appealed to many people in ancient China because it offered clear answers to life’s questions. People used the book to ask a question and were offered good advice and common sense in return. This appealed to the many people who had no interest in the broader philosophical questions posed by the Confucians, Daoists, and Legalists.


Which groups of people in Meroë benefited most from the city’s Red Sea trade? 

Merchants and the wealthy who used luxury items


How did the causes of Assyria’s success also cause its downfall? 

Military expansion and harsh rule made Assyria dominant, but these also led it to spread its power thinly and to create enemies.


What tools helped Darius hold together his vast empire? 

Darius was a great administrator; he tolerated cultural diversity, built roads, and made standardized coins to simplify trade.


What measures did Shi Huangdi take to crush political opposition at home? 

ordered noble families to live in the capital, divided China into districts, murdered scholars and burned books


Why did the Egyptians enslave the Israelites?

The Egyptians enslaved the Israelites because they were outsiders from Asia who might have been encouraged to settle in Egypt by the Hyksos, another group from Asia that ruled Egypt for about 70 years. After the Hyksos were driven out of Egypt, the Egyptians might have viewed the Israelites as a threat to their security or as having been a part of the invading Hyksos, and therefore enslaved them to protect their civilization or to punish them.


Why can the Assyrians be considered to be a culturally advanced civilization for their time?

The Assyrians can be considered to be a culturally advanced civilization for their time because their capital city of Nineveh had one of the ancient world’s largest libraries. This library was organized into rooms based on subject matter, and the entire collection was cataloged. These features are associated with modern-day libraries.


Which of the differences between Cyrus and Darius do you consider most important? Why?

Cyrus only— Founded empire, let Jews return to Jerusalem. 

Darius only—Seized power, introduced coins of standard value. 

Both—Ruled fairly, expanded empire. Students’ responses about the most important difference will vary but should be supported by evidence.


What were the positive and negative effects of Shi Huangdi’s rule? 

Positive: He unified the empire and boosted trade, transportation, and communication. 

Negative: He used slave labor, murdered people to stifle criticism, and burned books.


How was Egypt ruled after the decline of the Egyptian empire?

After the decline of the Egyptian empire, Egypt was ruled by a series of foreign powers. First, the Libyans invaded Egypt and ruled it for more than
200 years. Then, Kushites overthrew the Libyans and ruled Egypt for less than 100 years. Finally, the Assyrians conquered Egypt, forcing the Kushites to retreat to Nubia.


Why did most people in the region rejoice at Nineveh’s destruction?

The Assyrians treated conquered people cruelly. This cruelty included killing or enslaving their victims. When a combined army of Medes, Chaldeans, and others burned and leveled the Assyrian capital, most people in the region rejoiced because it meant the end of Assyrian control over the area.


What was the major goal of the Zoroastrian religion?

The major goal of the Zoroastrian religion was to reduce the amount of suffering and chaos in the world by encouraging people to take part in the struggle against evil. Because the Zoroastrian religion taught that everyone would be judged on how well he or she fought the battle for good at the end of time, it promoted kindness among its followers.


How did historical circumstances influence the development of Confucianism?

Confucius lived when the Zhou Dynasty was in decline. During this period, China moved away from its ancient values of social order and harmony. Confucianism developed as an effort to restore social order and harmony by promoting a code of proper conduct among people.
