He was the first President
George Washington
He was the President during the Trail of Tears
Andrew Jackson
This purchase doubled the size of America?
Louisiana Purchase
Which amendment deals with unlawful searches and seizures?
What city is Marshall University in and which city is WVU in?
Huntington and Morgantown
He was the third President and wrote the Declaration of Ind.
Thomas Jefferson
He was the son of the 2nd President
John Quincy Adams
This made it harder for immigrants to become citizens.
The Alien and Sedition Acts
Which state is known as the Lone Star State?
He was the Second President who passed the Alien and Sedition Act
John Adams
Who had the shortest presidency at 32 days?
William Henry Harrison
He led the country during the 1812 War
James Madison
Which amendments says no cruel or unusual punishment?
What is the name of the border police for that enforces the recent deportations
Jame Madison
Who became President after William Henry Harrison Died
John Tyler
He was President during the "Era of Good Feeling."
James Monroe
Which amendment gives you the right to not testify against yourself?
Plead the 5th
He was the 5th President during the "era of good feeling"
Jame Monroe
He was the President during the Panic of 1837
Martin Van Buren
Which President hated the idea of political parties?
George Washington
Which Amendment says all not listed in the Constitution goes to the states?
In what month does the President take office after he is voted in?