Which cabinet member was for the creation of the National Bank?
Jefferson or Hamilton
What problem was the nation having with Britain and France?
They were seizing US ships and the impressment of American sailors
The Louisiana Purchase was bought by Jefferson from what country?
What were the 3 causes of the War of 1812?
Kidnapping sailors (impressment), Violating US, Neutrality, British supplying Native Americans with weapons to fight Americans, hope of gaining new land
Kidnapping of American sailors
Foreign policy Washington supported
Incident in which the French demanded a bribe and a loan before they would speak with American representatives.
XYZ Affair
What was Jefferson's dilemma when at the time of the Louisiana Purchase?
Jefferson believed in a strict interpretation of the Constitution. No where in the Constitution did it say that he could purchase land.
What US city was burned during the War of 1812?
Washington DC
Caused an uprising of Pennsylvania Farmers under Washington's Presidency
tax on whiskey
Law that gave Washington power to create courts and give judges new jobs
Federal Judiciary Act
What laws was passed that could deport anyone that was not a citizen?
Alien Act
What Native American woman traveled with Lewis and Clark through the Louisiana Territory?
Battle fought after Britain and the US had already agreed to end the war of 1812 which made Andrew Jackson a war hero
Battle of New Orleans
What was the Era of Good Feelings?
Time period after the War of 1812 in which there was strong nationalism and unity in America.
Two pieces of advice Washington gave in his Farewell Address
Do not make alliances with foreign countries; remain neutral
Respect the Constitution
Stay united
Pay off debts
What law said that the US can jail or fine anyone speaking or writing bad about the government?
Sedition Law
Jefferson's law that attempted to stop British and French interference with US trade and impressment. What law was it?
Embargo Act of 1807
What poem was written that would later become that national anthem? Who wrote it?
The Star Spangled Banner by Francis Scott Key
Which party supported a loose interpretation of the Constitution, the national bank, a strong national government and an economy based on trade and industry?
He sent in troops to stop the rebellion and show the strength of the government
Who was Adams Vice President?
Thomas Jefferson
The Supreme Court case which established judicial review
Marbury v Madison
What did the Monroe Doctrine do?
Said the Western Hemisphere (North & South America) could not be colonized/invaded by European countries.
What laws were passed to go against the Alien and Sedition Acts?
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions