to fly
What is volare?
I have created.
What is creavi?
Give 3 English translations of mutavi.
What are "I changed", "I have changed", "I did change"?
to blame, to show
What are culpare & demonstrare?
He will have asked.
What is rogaverit?
What is we will have been?
The pluperfect tense endings
What is -eram, -eras, -erat, -eramus, -eratis, -erant?
to wound, to hide, to disturb
What are vulnerare, celare & perturbare?
They had stood.
What is steterant?
you have been
What is fuisti?
to delight or please, to accuse, to report, to ask
What is delectare, accusare, nuntiare, & rogare?
To err is human.
What is Errare est humanum?
Saepe oppugnavi.
What is "I have often attacked"?
They had been
What is fuerant?
often, always, today, tomorrow, ever
What are saepe, semper, hodie, cras, & umquam?
Cras pugnaverint.
What is "tomorrow they will have fought"?
The first three principal parts of sum.
What are sum, esse, fui?