Full dictionary form for "father."
What is pater patris m?
Full dictionary form for "mother."
What is mater matris f.?
This determines the declension the noun belongs to.
What is the genitive singular ending?
What is rex, regis, regi, regem, rege, reges, regum, regibus, reges, regibus?
What is bad law?
The Roman Peace
What is Pax Romana?
Full dictionary form for "king."
What is rex regis m.?
Full dictionary form for "voice."
What is vox vocis f.?
This is how one knows the gender of a 3rd Declension noun.
What is memorize it?
What is cor, cordis, cordi, cor, corde, corda, cordum, cordibus, corda, cordibus?
Decem facies
What is ten faces?
Head of the World
What is Caput Mundi?
Full dictionary form for "cross."
What is crux crucis f.?
What is flumen fluminis n.?
This is how the stem of any Latin noun is found.
What is drop the genitive singular ending?
What is fides, fidei, fidei, fidem, fide, fides, fiderum, fidebus, fides, fidebus?
Latum caput
What is wide head?
Nurturing Mother
What is Alma Mater?
Full dictionary form for "army."
What is exercitus -ūs m.?
Full dictionary form for "name."
What is nomen nominis n.?
First/second declension adjectives modify these nouns.
What is 1st - 5th declension nouns?
What is metus, metūs, metui, metum, metu, metūs, metuum, metibus, metūs, metibus?
Parvas manūs
What is small hands?
Seize the Day
What is Carpe diem?
Full dictionary form for "fear."
What is metus ūs m.?
Full dictionary form for "lamp."
What is lumen luminis n.?
The subject for a verb is in this case and the direct object is in this case?
Bonus -- Besides the subject what else is that case used for in a sentence?
What is nominative case and accusative case?
Bonus -- Predicate Nominative
What is puella, pullae, puellae, puellam, puella, puellae, puellarum, puellis, puellas, puellis?
Double -- Magnus panis sorores temptabat.
What is "The large bread was tempting the sisters."?
King of Kings
What is Rex Regum?
Full dictionary form for "hope."
What is spes spei f.?
What is facies faciei f.?
Adjectives must agree with its noun in what ways but not this way.
What is in gender, number, and case, but not declension?
What is regnum, regni, regno, regnum, regno, regna, regnorum, regnis, regna, regnis?
Double -- Primum diem saepe expectabimus.
What is "We will often wait for the first day."?
Senate and the People of Rome
What is Senatus Populusque Romanus (SPQR)?