What language do Norah & Lucien speak at home?
What is Chinese?
Which animal did we find out that does not really like cheese?
What is a house?
What is the name of someone who studies and reports the weather?
Who is a meteorologist?
What is the effect of this:
It is raining and sunny out at the same time!
What is a rainbow?
Which holiday did we decorate lanterns for?
What is Chinese/Lunar New Year?
What language does Sugathri speak at home?
What is Telugu?
Which animals liked to run, hunt, and play?
What is a lion?
What is the name of the predicted weather for the week?
What is a forecast?
How are cats and dogs the same?
How are they different?
**varied answers**
Why do the leaves fall in autumn?
The leaves are dying.
What language does Paulina speak at home?
What is Lithuanian?
Why did dogs have wet noses?
What is saliva, to help them smell?
What is the tool called we use to check the temperature?
What is a thermometer?
What is the correct way of spelling this word?
*Ms. Kiernan says a word*
b e c a u s e
What is a New Year's resolution?
What is a promise or goal you make to yourself?
What language does Mateo speak at home?
What is Spanish?
Name at least 4 animals that walk on four legs.
**varied answers**
What happens to rain in the sky when it freezes?
What is snow?
Why is it important to tell a story using transition words like First, next, then, and last?
To make sure the story makes sense and flows in order?
Which holiday is also called "The Festival of Light"?
What is Diwali?
What language does Aarush speak at home?
What is Tamil?
What makes a pet different from a wild animal?
How can you describe the weather in the season of winter in New Jersey?
What are some tools and tricks you can use when you read a book or story?
What is tapping out, looking at the pictures, rereading something that might not make sense, using the question to help you?
What was Cupig's favorite holiday in our book we read?
What is Valentine's Day?