Where do your 5 pencils go?
In your tube, inside your desk.
Level 1
What is the most important thing at recess? (must get 1 out of 5)
Have fun
Be kind
Be safe
Take a break
Make friends
Voice level in the restroom? (2)
Level 0
Level 1 for help/kind words
What do we calm after lunch? (2)
Where do we keep markers, colored pencils, and crayons?
In our color kit.
How do you move in the hallways?
How do you go down the slide? (must get all 3)
One at a time
On your bottom
Feet first
What is the activity in the restroom? (4)
Do your business
1 pump soap
2 hands wash
3 paper towels
Where do you go if you are feeling like you are unable to learn because you are unfocused?
The calm down corner - 2 minutes
When I'm not done with a reading activity, I put it where?
First pocket in my binder.
Voice level in the hallways?
Level 0
Where does the equipment go? (2)
On the field or the cement
How do you move in the restroom?
Walking only
When do we fill up our water bottles?
In the morning
When do we take blue folders home?
How to move in the classroom
What running/chasing game is not allowed at Riverside recess?
If you see someone not following expectations, what should you do? (must get 2 out of 3)
Give them a reminder
Show them the CHAMPS poster
If it continues, tell a teacher
During reading groups, how do you get help? (2)
Ask someone else in your group
Ask Ms. Melinda
Our sight word books and planners live in my...
What are the 2 activities in the lunch room?
Eating and cleaning up after yourself
What do you do if you hear 3 whistles? (4)
Hands on knees
Look at teacher
Level 0
When should you use the restroom? (Must get 3 out of 4)
In the morning
Before recess
During lunch
On our way to specials
What is required of first graders every night? (2)