how many ten sticks do i need for 75
What two sounds does (a) make?
A and a
What is this symbol?
A Period
What is the name of our school?
Bonaire Primary School
10 + ___ = 12
10 + 2 = 12
I have 20 people on the bus 5 get off. now how many people are on the bus?
name 1 words with the "aw" sound
What kind of sentence ends in this: ?
A question
What month is it?
11 + 5=
I have 11 people on the bus, 7 more got on. On the next bus stop 3 people got off. How many people are on the bus
15 people
what is the magic e rule?
when the E its at the end it makes the vowel say its name and the E is silent
What is this symbol?
An exclamation point
What is our mascot?
10 + 5 = ____
what shape has 3 sides?
What sound does th make
th or th
What are 2 things that every sentence needs?
Capital letter at the beginning and punctuation.
What are the days of the week?
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
19 - 6 = ___
How many tens and ones do I need to make 85?
8 tens
5 ones
What are 4 words the rhyme with "all"?
fall, ball, call, wall, hall, mall, tall, Paul,
What goes at the beginning of a sentence?
What is the name of your Principal?
Mrs. Watkins