Guess the animal: I have a trunk
What is ten more than 44
What are the 4 seasons ?
Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall
What is another word for dirt, and how do you spell it ?
Name 3 first grade teachers here at GLC
Ms. Morton, Ms. Gannon, Mr. Turner, Mrs. Kiy, Ms. Gonzalez, Mrs. Reid, Ms. Shaughnessy, Mrs. Soto
What are baby chickens called?
What is ten less than 60
What are 6 words that can be used to describe the weather outside ?
Sunny, rainy, cloudy, foggy, snowy, hot, cold, warm
This 3 letter word has a short vowel o, and it is something you cook in.
Name 2 specials teachers here at GLC
Mrs. Kaplan, Mrs. Goydic, Mr. Ricigliano, Mrs. Roesch, Ms. Stone, Ms. Ruboyianes, Mr. Krywinski, Ms. Frigoletto, Mrs. Santos
What kind of bird flies at the beach ?
What is 1 + 3 + 6
What do you call the outside covering of a tree?
This 3 letter word is an animal that barks-name it and spell it.
What grades are here at GLC ?
Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
Name one wild animal that you might see in New Jersey
Answers vary: fox, goose, rabbit, turtle, dolphin, whale
What is the value of the 8 in this number : 98
What do you call the stem of a tree?
The trunk
This word has a magic e-it is how you make cookies-spell it
Does your teacher have a pet? If yes, what is the pet's name?
Answers will vary
What animal says nay ?
What is a defining attribute of a triangle?
3 sides (or 3 vertices)
This word means to take air into your lungs and let it out
Spell this word that means a word for money-such as a penny, nickel, dime or quarter
What do the letters GLC stand for?
George L. Catrambone