Morning Routine
Classroom Rules
Outside the Classroom
Respect in the Classroom

What is the first thing you must do before you enter the classroom in the morning?

Meet/greet the teacher at the door


What does the C in CHAMPS mean?

Conversation level.

0, 1, 2, or 3


What is the procedure for using the restroom?

Use the restroom sign, once you get permission, use the bathroom pass and quietly go to the restroom. 


What should you do if you hear the doorbell ring?

Stop what you're doing and get ready to transition, move to the next activity.


If you are on task, what can you earn?

Dojo points, rewards


Where should you put your backpack and when should you put it there?

In your backpack bin as soon as you enter the classroom.


What should you do if you have a question?

Raise your hand for permission to speak.


What are line expectations?

hands to you side or behind your back, bubble in your mouth, looking at the person in front of you, CHECK YOUR BOX!


What should you do if you hear "I need your help"?

Stop what you're doing, raise your hand, track the teacher, and get to a level 0.


What can you do with your dojo points?

Spend it at the 1st Grade Reward Store!


What should you do after you greet the teacher? 

Put away your things, grab breakfast, and start on your morning work.


What does the M in CHAMPS mean?

Movement. How should I be moving during this activity?


How should you walk down the hall? A: Look at the walls and not worry about where you're going. B: Walk beside the person behind you, talk to them, and swing your arms or put your arms around their neck. C: Have safe hands, a straight line, silent voices, and quick and quiet feet.

C: Have safe hands, a straight line, silent voices, and quick and quiet feet.


How should you put your backpack away in the morning. A: Be patient and wait your turn. B: Push people out of the way until you can get to your cubby. C: Scream and sit on the person putting their things away below you.

A: Be patient and wait your turn.


Are their consequences in our class for off task behavior?



Where do water bottles and lunch boxes go?

In the water bottle and lunch box station. (by the door, by the sink)


If you follow all of the champ rules you will be.....



What do we do when we line up for recess?

Find your line, and sit down quietly so you can go inside.

How should you move to the carpet? A: Tuck your chair in a skip. B: Run and jump. C: Tuck your chair in, walk quickly and quietly, and sit down.

C: Tuck your chair in, walk quickly and quietly, and sit down.


What will happen if you do not follow classroom rules?

You may have to move your clip down or have a consequence. 


How should morning work look and sound? A: Some people out of their seat and talking. B: Everyone in their seat and talking. C: Everyone in their seat working quietly.

C: Everyone in their seat working quietly.


What do you do when you hear the bell ring?

FREZE, eyes on teacher and listen to instructions.


What do we do when we get in the cafeteria?

Walk to your lunch table at a level 0. no more than 3 to a seat, and put your head down so you can get called to eat. 


What should you do when the teacher says turn and talk?

turn to a friend or a neighbor and talk about the question that was just asked.


What will happen if you're off task too many times?

Parent Contact, no recess, get in trouble
