The customer service phone number is?
What is 800-382-5465.
Is the hold process the same for mobile deposits?
Yes. The same amount of processing on items done in the center apply for mobile deposits.
What if difference between fraud and a transaction dispute
Fraud is being compromised typically unknowingly often from unknown source. Transaction dispute is when you have done prior business with a merchant, typically must be resolved with merchant before disputing.
What are the 3 DDA accounts offered?
What is First View, Smart View & Total View
Tip to remember: F S T
F=$0, S=$15, T=$25
The cut-off time for transactions posting is?
ATM deposits and withdrawals will receive same-day processing if done 8:00 p.m. CST Monday-Friday. Transactions completed on Saturday, Sunday or bank holidays will be processed the following business day.
The customer service business hours are?
Customer service is available:
Monday – Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. EST
Saturday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST
Sunday: Closed
How can client protect unauthorized non ach transactions on a debit card?
What is "LOCK IT" in digital banking
Time limit to submit a fraud or transaction dispute?
What is 60 days
What is the stop payment fee?
What is a memo-post?
A memo-post is a transaction that has not yet posted, but is temporarily included in the current day's available balance until the nightly ledger update
If I get married or need to change my legal name for some reason, what do I do?
Bring a copy of your marriage certificate and another form of valid identification to your nearest First Horizon branch to change the name on your accounts.
Yes, limits are based on client relationship and will display once in mobile deposit screen on clients device.
A customer can dispute a transaction made by using cash withdrawn from a FH ATM
Any cash transaction regardless of where the cash came from cannot be disputed.
The outgoing wire fee for international wires is?
FYI: All incoming wires are $15, Domestic outgoing is $25
Why is a hold placed on large deposits?
On a case-by-case basis, a hold may be placed on deposits greater than $5,000 to verify funds.
The foreign currency processing time is?
Visit your local First Horizon branch to request foreign currency. Please allow 2-3 days for delivery to the First Horizon branch
What is the check stale date for mobile deposits
Check must be dated within 6 months
Can a customer initiate a transaction dispute on their own online?
Yes, fraud and transactions dispute except ACH can be initiated by the client through the FH website.
What is a chargeable debits fee?
A chargeable debits fee of $.50 is accessed for each item that exceeds 25 items per month. This chargeable debits fee applies only to E-Student and E-Access accounts.
Medallion signature guarantee stamps are backed by bank assets and require thorough screening. A notary stamp only confirms the signer's identity and is backed by a surety bond that protects the public, not the notary.
What if a new account doesnt show after leaving a branch
Click Settings icon, then click on Accounts tab. Accounts available to be added will be listed under Account Visibility.
Tip: Online Banking (866) 264-5322.
How can customer report an ATM shortage?
Client may go to the FH website and use the transaction dispute form to submit a dispute.
What is the chargeback fee amount?
Charged for each item you deposit into your account that is then returned to us unpaid.
Max # of overdrafts possible in one day?
What is 6 :(
FYI: If you overdraw your account by $5 or less on any one day, there will be no overdraft charge.