2 + 6
Mr Steinberg's favorite color?
Name all 4 seasons.
Spring, summer, fall, winter
Name the 5 senses.
Taste, touch, sight, smell, hearing
Spell the word to fill in the blank:
Put your ______ at the top of your paper.
Name 2 of the 2nd grade teachers.
Mrs. Hilton, Mrs. Beaudoin, Mrs. Germano, Ms. Gillis, Mrs Balducci, Mrs. Hokanson
How much is a Quarter worth?
25 cents
Finish the song
"I have a little dreidel. I made it out of clay. When it's dry and ready ________"
"Then dreidel will I play"
There are ______ months in a year.
Name 3 things plants need to grow.
Water, sun, soil
Spell the word to fill in the blank:
I ____ to eat popcorn.
What food was served for breakfast yesterday?
Chocolate donut
80 + 10
Who is your ART teacher?
Mrs. Murray
What colors make green?
blue and yellow
The Earth orbits the ____.
the Sun
Spell the word:🍰
We live in this state.
How much is a Dime worth?
10 cents
There are 5 specials classes we attend. Name them all.
5: Library, Music, Art, P.E., and Tech/STEM/Computer
Sentences start with a ___.
capital letter
What are the 3 R's of MKG?
Respectful, Responsible, Ready
Spell the word to fill in the blank:
Can you ______ to the store with me?
Our country is ___.
United States of America
80 + 11
What is your principal's name?
Mrs. White
Mr. Snape has 12 popsicle sticks. Ms. Diamand has 4. How many more popsicle sticks does Mr. Snape have than Ms. Diamand?
8 more
A caterpillar turns into a __.
It turns into a butterfly!
Spell the word to fill in the blank:
_______ is Friday. Yesterday was Thursday.
Our school is in what city in Massachusetts?