This is at the centre of First Light’s strategy wheel
Culture and Community
This many spaces are licensed for our infant room (ages 0–2) at the Childcare Centre
This SLT member is very creative, and like to tell stories.
Heidi Dixon
This location is a temporary headquarters
70 brookfield road
The act of using medicines to cleanse negativity and bring in positivity and carry prayers to the Creator.
First Light has been serving the community for this many years
First Light currently operates this many housing units that currently have people living in them
This SLT likes to practise newfinese even though they are not originally from here.
Justin Campbell
This location that First Light currently owns, used to be a church.
4O Quidi Vidi/caledonia
The powwow occurs here every year, typically the first weekend in July. Also home to a few staff members.
Miapukek First Nation
First Light has this many vans dedicated to Medical Transportation
This social enterprise works to support patients travelling in the city for medical appointments
The Lunar Inn
This person used to have a toothless weiner dog.
Scott Whitten
This location was once told it had the oldest "rock garden" in St.Johns
716 Water Street
Type of stone that is typically used in carving because it is soft.
This person holds the position of Chair of the First Light Board of Director
Blair Benoit
This building that First Light currently owns and operates, used to be a residential home. First Light had a few challenges with NIMBY before being able to open.
The Childcare Centre on 97 Elizabeth Ave.
This SLT member has 2 pets, pineapple and blueberry
Stacey Howse
This location has a community garden directly behind it
36 Quidi Vidi, lunar inn
This game, played by Inuit, has a somewhat reference to a certain type of underwear.
Thong Pull
There are this many lawyers on the Board of Directors
This Indigenous artists' work is displayed on a giant canvas in the "red room"/green room at CPAC
Marcus Gosse
This SLT member used to own and operate a bar
Vicki Francis
This location is shared in partnership with B&G Club
A word that is used to describe Innu people prior to contact (how they lived)