Chapter 1
Chapter 2 & 3
Chapter 4 &5
Book of Mormon (Importance / Purpose)
Building Testimony of Book of Mormon

Who said this? "having been born of goodly parents, I was taught somewhat in all the learnings of my father..."



What was Nephi's father Lehi commanded to do with his family?

Leave Jerusalem into the wilderness


After two failed attempts to obtain the plates of brass from Laben, what was plan number three? 

They did not have a plan, 

"Led by the spirit not knowing before hand the things which I should do"


God tells Lehi and his family many times that if they will keep the commandments, they will __   _______? 

Be Blessed, Prosper, Have Peace.

(In order to receive God's blessings, each of us must discover his commandments and then choose to keep them.  The Book of Mormon is a central part of this process.)


Lamen and Lemuel did not believe the directions there father Lehi received from God.  Nephi also had doubts about God's commandments at one point.  What did Nephi do to soften his heart and believe the directions were from God?

Sought to know the truth for himself

Started his own relationship with God 

Cried Unto the Lord (Prayed)

Sought God diligently with lowliness of heart (humble, sincere, respectful, etc.)


What did God tell Lehi would happen to his home town of Jerusalem if the people would not repent?


carried away into Babylon.



After leaving Jerusalem and camping in the wilderness, Lehi has another dream where the Lord commands his four sons to do what?

Go back to Jerusalem (250 miles)

Get the brass plates from Laben 


How did Nephi obtain Laben's clothes and armor?

He found Laben passed out drunk at his house, and the Spirit directed him to take his life and clothing.


What is the center stone piece of a stone arch bridge called?


Book of Mormon is the Keystone of our Religion.

Bonus Question: Why is the keystone so important and how does that relate to the book of mormon?


Where can you find this scripture? 

"And when ye shall receive these things (BOM), I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father in the name of Christ, if these things (BOM) are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere hear, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it (BOM) unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost." 

Moroni 10:3-7


What caused Lehi (Nephi's Father) to quake, tremble, and cast himself upon his bed because He was so exhausted?

the pillar of fire


being overcome by the spirit.


After walking back to Jerusalem, the sons of Lehi drew lots (drew straws) to determine what?

Double Points: Who drew the short lot/straw?

Who would go to the house of Laben and try to obtain the plates.

Bonus: Lamen


What is the name of Laben's servant who Nephi got the plates from?  He ended up joining Nephi and family. 



The Title Page of the Book of Mormon states that it is another __________ of Jesus Christ.  

Bonus, why is this important?


Clarifies teachings in the Bible,

Shows God speaks to all his children on earth. (love)


When we read the Book of Mormon, think about what it says, and pray to know if it's true, how might we get an answer?

(Many correct answers)

The Holy Ghost helps us feel it's true

Good thoughts

Feels good to us

Want to do good

Want to share it.


The tender mercies of the lord are given to those people who do what?

Keep the commandments of God.


The first attempt by Lamen, Lemuel, Nephi and Sam, to obtain the plates of brass did not work, what was plan number 2?

Double Points Bonus Question: Did plan two work?

Gather the gold and silver the family left at home and offer it as a trade to Laben for the plates of brass.


While the Sons of Lehi were away getting the plates, why did Sariah start to complain and murmur against Lehi?

She thought her Sons were killed or perished in the wilderness.  

She doubted there safe return


Who said this about the Book of Mormon?  "A man would get nearer to God by abiding by it's precepts, than by any other book"   (Introduction)

Joseph Smith


Fill in the blank.  The Introduction to Book of Mormon invites everyone to read the book or Mormon, _______ in their hearts the message it contains, and to ask God if it is true.



Who did Lehi see in his vision/s?


numberless angels

an angel brighter than the noon day sun

twelve angels following one angel descending out of heaven. 


Why did an Angel of the Lord appear to the four brothers after they fled from the servants of Laben and hid in a cavity of a rock (a cave)?  

To stop Lamen and Lemuel from beating Nephi and Sam with a rod.  


Why did Nephi slay Laben, even though his moral code told him not to do so?

The Spirit constrained Nephi and insisted that he do so.  It was something that needed to happen.  

What might have happened if he did not obey?


If the Book of Mormon is true, then it testifies of Christ and confirms that Joseph Smith was what?

A true Prophet called directly by God himself. 


What did Bishop Dickson challenge us to do a couple weeks ago in Sacrament?  

Read the entire Book of Mormon this year.

Why do you think He wants you to read it?
