O my God I am heartily _____ for having _____ thee.
When we ask God for forgiveness
Sacrament of Reconciliation
What is free will?
God's gift to us that allows us to make choices
Name the 1st commandment
I am the Lord your God. You shall not have strange Gods before me.
What is the 1st step?
Greet the priest and make sign of the cross
And I _____ all my sins because of thy just punishments, but most of all _____
What is Seal of Confession?
The priest can't tell anyone what we confess
God's life and love in us
What is the 2nd Commandment?
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain
What is the 2nd step?
Confess your sins
they offend thee, my ____, who art all good and ____ of all my ______
What is forgiveness?
It's a sign of God's love and mercy
-continue to love someone after they hurt you
What is Original Sin
What we inherit from Adam & Eve
What is the 3rd commandment?
Remember to keep holy the Lord's Day
What is the 3rd step?
Receive penance
I firmly ____ with the help
When you do something, you know you shouldn't
A thought, word, or act that we freely choose to do even when we know it is wrong
What is the 4th Commandment?
Honor your father and your mother
What is step 4?
Pray an Act of Contrition
with the help of Thy ________, To_____ no more
What is contrition?
Being sorry for our sins
Explain the difference between mortal & venial sin
venial hurts our relationship with God
mortal breaks our relationship with God
What is the 5th Commandment?
You shall not kill. Do not hurt yourself or others.
What is the last step?
Receive absolution