It's the End of the World as I Know It
Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie
Night Divided
Tesla's Attic
Graveyard Book

What event does Dee most fear that he is preparing for?

Eruption of a super-volcano


What did Jeffrey use to stir his "dangerous pie" concoction?

Steven's special drumsticks


Why are Gerta's brother and father on the other side of the fence?

They were in West Berlin looking for housing, schools, and jobs when the fence was erected. 


What event causes Nick, Danny, and Wayne Slate to move from Florida to Colorado Springs?

The house burned down and their mom/wife died in the fire.


With what unusual event does this story open?

An assassin is murdering an entire family, but does not succeed in killing the baby.


What unusual pet does Dee's friend Tommy own?

A python


How does the family discover Jeffrey's cancer?

He has a particularly bloody nose after falling off a stool; when they take him to the hospital, the doctor discovers that he has leukemia.


Gerta's father pantomimes a particular part of favorite dance when she sees him on the other side of the fence. What does the dance appear to be telling her she should do?

She should dig.


What event, planned by Nick, starts a strange chain of occurrences in the life of the Slate family?

Nick plans a yard sale to get rid of strange items he found in the attic of their new home.


What special skill or talent does The Man Jack possess?

He has an acute sense of smell.


What is Tommy's newly-realized super skill?

He is a REALLY Fast runner.


What two things are causing the Alper family to need more money?

Lots of medical bills and mom is no longer working because she is taking care of Jeffrey


What secret does Fritz tell Gerta about his friend Peter? Peter is also Gerta's best friend's brother.

He is going to escape that night to the West in a secret panel in a friend's car.


What special ability does the reel-to-reel tape recorder have?

It records what people really think, not what they are saying.


The residents of the graveyard give this to Bod:  _____________ of the graveyard.



What is Dee building in his backyard?

A doomsday shelter


Why does Steven turn Renee away from his house when she comes to tutor him?

She has a cold which would be dangerous for Jeffrey who is immunocompromised.


How do the police find out about his plan?

They have been bugging Gerta and Fritz's apartment and heard him tell Gerta about the plan.


What is the ultimate goal of the Accelerate organization?

To control all power/energy in the entire world.


Why is Silas able to divert The Man Jack from his search for the baby?

He has particularly strong powers of suggestion.


Explain what the PoopMaster is and why it is necessary.

It is a composting toilet that Dee plans to include in his shelter to that he won't need to go outside t=when the "event" occurs.


Why is Annette unable to play in the spring concert this year?

She broke her arm when she tripped over her cat and fell down the stairs.


What fruit that it generally not available in East Berlin does Gerta yearn for?



What good advice does Mrs. Planck, the lunch lady, give Nick on his first day of school?

He should dump the contents of his lunch tray on the school bully's head.


What is Silas able to do for Bod that the residents of the graveyard cannot do?

He can leave the graveyard and get Bod things like food and clothing.
