what is dan santat
What drink was at the beginning of each chapter
what is fanta
What did Dan steal?
what is bikes
What places did the school travel to in europe
what is France, Germany, Austria, England, Switzerland
What is Santat stealing when the punk rock boys find him?
what is a bike
what was written on the wall in Dan's house in Germany.
what is punk not dead
dan's favorite drink
what is fanta
who was dan's crush
what is amy
What was dan's favorite flavor of Fanta
what is orange
Who hosted them in Germany
what is helga
What poet did Santat quote when he had to give a speech after a presentation about the dangers of drugs?
what is A. A. Milne.
first place they go
what is Paris, France
2nd place they go
what is Lucerne, Switzerland
place they went
what is Rome, Italy
3rd place they go
what is england
Outside of what city did Santat grow up?
what is Los Angeles.
2. What donut shop did Santat ride past on his bicycle at the beginning of the memoir?
what is Rolling Pin Donuts.
What disease did Santat's mother have?
what is lupus
What was the name of the middle school Santat attended?
what is Los Altos.
What was the name of the teacher who made Santat give a speech after a presentation about the dangers of drugs?
what is Mrs. Bjork.