Where do you find what we did in class if you were absent?
Google Classroom
Where are the tissues?
Bookshelf by the door
What material/supply will we use everyday?
composition book
Where do we go for a fire drill?
Bus ramp/Track
How often will the classroom jobs be changed?
How many days late will assignments be accepted?
What materials did you need today?
See front board under "You will need" category.
How many index cards are needed?
Which pod will we go to for a full lockdown?
Right pod
Storage pod
What do I use to call on random students for questioning?
Popsicle sticks
Cheating will result in what 2 things?
Parent phone call
What must everyone be doing in order to be dismissed?
Sitting down
What are the index cards used for?
Vocabulary homework
What is the first thing you do in a full lockdown?
Close Chromebook
How many class periods will it take to get a class reward if you get "Out of This World" every class?
What percentage of your grade are tests?
How many classroom points do you need to get a classroom reward?
What 3 supplies are highly recommended (but will be provided if you do not have them)?
Scissors, glue, colored pencils
What is the main thing not allowed during a fire drill?
What is the hamsters name?
What percentage of your grade are quizzes?
Which classroom job is responsible for answering the phone and door?
Where do you find rulers for classroom use?
Bookshelf by the door
During a partial lockdown, class goes on normally except......?
No one is allowed to leave the classroom
How many vocabulary words are required as homework every 2 weeks?