When can I use flex seating?
When Mrs. Hatch says it's okay, free time or reading time.
How should I act when a teacher or peer is talking?
Respectfully listening with a Voice Level 0
What do I do when I need to use the bathroom?
Use the hand sign, sign out and then back in when you're done.
What do I do first when I get into the classroom in the morning?
Pick my lunch
How old is Mrs. Hatch?
Where can I find the talk moves?
At the front of the room
How should I act in group work?
Being responsible by being on task and listening to each other.
What do I do when I need to get a drink of water?
Use the water sign and grab a drink in the back when Mrs. Hatch says it's okay.
What is the second thing I need to do in the morning?
Fill my water bottle
How any pets does Mrs. Hatch have?
When do the computers get charger and who does it?
The tech team at the end of the day.
How should you act always in class?
Being respectful and safe hands.
How do I come to the carpet?
Quietly with Voice Level 0
What is the third thing I need to do in the morning?
Answer the morning meeting question.
Who are Mrs. Hatch's friends?
Where is the library?
By Mrs. Hatch's desk.
How do I act when I walk in line.
Face forward, walking and Voice Level 0
Whose job is it to keep the room clean?
What is the fourth thing I need to do in the morning when I get to school?
Get slow start items out.
What are Mrs. Hatch's pets names?
Opal, Otis and Mila
Where can I find the schedule for the day?
On the whiteboard in the front of the room.
How do I act at recess?
Safe hands and respecful
When you hear the doorbell what should your voice level be?
What can you get in the morning in the cafeteria?
Where was Mrs. Hatch born?