Room N128
What is our classroom number
What I need to bring to pay for my locker?
8:00 a.m.
What is the time school starts?
Mrs. Raggs-Washington
What is the name of our principal?
What is everyone hand up and silence in the classroom?
Define Unit Rate.
A rate with a denominator of 1; An amount per 1 unit.
Miss Williams hates the most
What is losing?
the gym
What is where the teachers picks up students?
School Colors
What is blue and orange?
Keep it clean
What is our classroom/ our space/ our table?
before you speak or get out of your chair
What is raise your hand?
Grey Lines
What is the right of the hall we walk on?
What is Roadrunners?
In the following words, "Easton Middle School", what is the ratio of vowels to consonants?
7 to 10
What is something we are going to have?
If you can read 380 words in 5 minutes, what is the number of words per minute?
What is 76 per minute?
Teacher favorite color
What is yellow?
50 minutes
What is the time we spend in each class?
Mrs. Mcleod
What is the math coach?
What is something we can not wear?
Entering the Classroom
What is no judgement zone?
Can not have it at all
What is cell phones?
Rotate in December
What is specials/ exploratory?
What is the 6th grade halls/ classrooms?
How are people treated in class by teacher?
What is equally?