Class Rules
Morning Routine
Lining up
If I do - Rewards
If I don't - Consequences

What is the FIRST class rule?

Follow directions quickly


When the bell rings for school to start, where do I line up and how do I line up? 

We line up at Mrs. Shong/Boren's chair in front of the gym doors in number order 


In what order do we ALWAYS line up?

Number order


What is the first thing we will do if you are following the rules/going above and beyond?

Praise you! Good job!


If I break a rule the first time, what happens?

I get a warning from Mrs. Shong or Boren


What is the SECOND class rule?

Stay on task and focused 


True or False? When we walk into the room, the first thing we do is put our backpack on a hook that is empty



What does the first S of the 4-S line stand for?



What is the second thing we will do if you are following the rules/going above and beyond?

Point on your point tracker!


If I break a rule the second time in the same day, meaning I didn't listen to the warning, what happens?

I have to pay a FINE for breaking the rule. The fines are all on the class economy poster on the wall, each rule is $30 if you break it


True or false? We can talk as loud as we want and we don't have to raise our hand to speak?

FALSE! What is the rule?


What is the second thing I do once I have gotten into the classroom (after I have put my backpack away)?

I go over to my class job and check if I have money in my slot. If there is money, I take it out


What does the second S of the 4-S line stand for?



True or False? We will give you class cash if you are following the rules



If I break a rule the third time in the same day, meaning I didn't listen to the TWO warnings given, what happens?

You will be given a logical consequence. For example, if you are talking during the math lesson and wasting Mrs. Shong's time, Mrs. Shong will waste your time and make you miss some of your recess!


What is the FOURTH class rule?

Stay in your seat unless you have permission to leave it


Once I have taken my money, what is the third thing I do when I get into the classroom?

I go to the whiteboard so I can do my lunch choice


What does the third S of the 4-S line stand for?



True or false? Going above and beyond will get you a spot on our star student board

True! If we notice a star student, you get to sign the star student board! You can sign it more than once!


If I break a rule the fourth time in the same day, meaning I didn't listen to the THREE warnings given, what happens?

Your seat will be changed and you will be moved away from everyone in the class until you can listen better. 


True or False, We can be rude and mean if we want to or if we are upsest

FALSE! What is the rule?


True or False? Once I have done my lunch choice I walk around the room and find my friends so I can talk to them before school starts

FALSE! What do we do after we have done our lunch choice?


What does the fourth S of the 4-S line stand for?



True or false? If the whole class is doing good, you get frowny points 

FALSE! What do you get, and what do those points let you play the next morning?


If I break a rule the fifth time in the same day, meaning I didn't listen to the FOUR warnings given, what happens?

You get a phone call home and a visit to the principals office. At this point, you aren't able to be in the classroom participating! 
