What does three short whistles mean?
5 minutes left in recess
What is the hand signal for bathroom?
Fingers crossed
(model it)
Fill in the blank: Be R_______L to our classmates, our materials and ourselves.
What side of the ramp should we stand on when we are entering the classroom?
The building side
What was the state that Ms. Skinner lived in before California?
what does 2 short whistles mean?
Line up
What is the hand signal for I agree?
A fist with your pinky and thumb out and gently shake it.
(model it)
Fill in the blank: We need to use a______e listening when the teacher our our peer is talking.
Pop Quiz! What is active listening?
What are the 3 types of passes you could use when leaving the room?
1.) Bathroom
2.) Office
3.) Other Classroom
Which 5th grade scholars first name starts with an H and ends with an N ?
What does one long whistle mean?
What is the hand signal for I want to add on?
1 or 2 fingers make a t or x
(model it)
Fill in the blank: We need to take o________p of our actions and learning.
what are the two things that could go in your blue take home folder?
Assignments from school and notes from home
What are the 2 sibling duos we have in our 5th grade?
Tore and Yoma
Castiel and Anastasia
What are the boundaries of the playground?
Can't go past the four square area
What is the hand signal for I disagree?
straight hand near chest, gently shaking
(model it)
Fill in the blank: In this class, we are willing to take r_____s .
What 3 things lets me know that you are ready to transition?
2.) All desks are cleared off
3.) All voices are off
Which scholar is very passionate about skating both on and off the ice?
What is the one item that can go in either Ms. Skinner's recess bag or Mr. M's recess bag?
What is the hand signal for the quiet signal/ Voices off?
Pinch your thumb, middle and ring fingers together and lift your pointer finger and pinky finger.
(model it)
Fill in the blank: In this class we put in our best e_____t when completing activities and assignments.
What is the one time you should try really hard to not ask Ms. Skinner a question?
When Ms. Skinner is working with a small group at the back table
Which scholar owns multiple ducks including one named Ducky?