How many books are in the Bible?
In Genesis, was were the first two humans?
Adam & Eve
What was that actual name of the Promised Land?
All 4 Gospels are biographies about what person?
Jesus of Nazareth
What is the First book in the Bible?
How many books are in the Old Testament?
In the Bible who had to build a large boat?
What is the Capital city of Israel?
Who was Jesus' parents, according to the Bible?
Mary and Joesph
In the Bible, how did Jesus die?
He was crucified
How many books are in the New Testament?
In Exodus, who led the Israelites out of slavery? (Hint: He also received the 10 commandments at Mt. Sinai)
What is the Major River that flows through Israel? (Hint: in the NT, Jesus was baptized in this river.)
Jordan River
Who had a Damascus Road Experience and went from a persecutor of Christians to a Christian Apostle and preacher?
Name 4 of the 10 plagues
Blood, Frog, Gnats, Flies, Death of Livestock, Boils, Hail, Locust, Darkness, Death of the First Born
Who was a shepherd, king, musician, and giant slayer?
King David
Where were the Israelites kept as slaves for 400 years, according to the book of Exodus?
In the New Testament, which person has the most books NAMED after him?
Name 3 of the 10 Commandments
What Language was the New Testament originally written in?
Ancient Greek
In the Old Testament, name one of the two people who (according to the narrative) never died.
Enoch or Elijah
In which part of the world do we find the "Bible Lands?"
Middle East
In the New Testament, who baptized Jesus?
John the Baptist
What was Jesus' FIRST miracle according to the book of John?
Turning Water to Wine at a Wedding