Firsthand or Secondhand Accounts 1
Firsthand or Secondhand Accounts 2
Sources 1
Sources 2
A description of events based on research by someone who was not there to actually see the event.
What is a secondhand account
This account is told using First Person Point of View
What is Firsthand account
Diaries, autobiographies, and letters are considered to be which type of account?
What is firsthand account
Is this a primary source of information or a secondary source of information? - a memoir
What is a primary source.
Is this a primary source of information or a secondary source of information? a dictionary
What is secondary source.
a word (such as I, he, she, you, it, we, or they ) that is used instead of a noun.
What is a pronoun.
This account is told using Third Person Point of View
What is secondhand account.
This account uses pronouns such as, “I” “me” “my” “us” “our”
What is firsthand account.
Which source helps us see the viewpoints of people living during different time periods so we can learn how they felt, acted, and viewed the world
What is primary source.
Is this a primary source of information or a secondary source of information? a map created during the time period being studied
What is a primary source.
a description of an event that comes from someone who was actually there to see or experience it.
What is a firsthand account
Encyclopedia entries, biographies, and textbooks are considered to be what type of account?
What is secondhand account
This account uses pronouns such as, “he” “she” “they”
What is secondhand account.
Is this a primary source of information or a secondary source of information? - a biography
What is a secondary source
Is this a primary source of information or a secondary source of information? - a speech
What is a primary source.
Source of information is from accounts of events or a time period written with the use of primary sources normally by a historian or researcher
What is secondary source.
In this account the narrator shares his or her thoughts and feelings.
What is firsthand account.
Is the following passage an example of a first or secondhand account? Janelle had the best birthday celebration ever. First, her parents took her to the amusement park. After taking all of her favorite rides, she went to the movie theater! That wasn’t all. To top it off, she had her favorite dish for dinner, quesadillas with sour cream! She even got two scoops of ice cream for dessert. Janelle is such a lucky girl!
What is a secondhand account.
Is this a primary source of information or a secondary source of information? an article written in 2013 giving information about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
What is a secondary source.
Which source helps us relate to the people of a certain time period and feel empathy for different situations they went through?
What is primary source
Source of information is from accounts by people who were living during the event or time period
What is primary source.
Is the following passage an example of a first or secondhand account: I wasn’t sure of what the trembling noise was until I started feeling the ground underneath me shake. My instincts kicked in and I stopped what I was doing. I ran away from the book shelves and covered my head while holding on to the leg of my bed. I sat there with my eyes closed until I stopped feeling vibrations.
What is a firsthand account
In this account, the author draws conclusions from a primary source and shares information, facts, or opinions
What is a secondhand account
Is this a primary source of information or a secondary source of information? a chapter in a textbook giving information about Pearl Harbor
What is a secondary source.
Is this a primary source of information or a secondary source of information? On the Way Home: The Diary of a Trip from South Dakota to Mansfield, Missouri, in 1894 by Laura Ingalls Wilder
What is a primary source.