What natural disaster is a shark most likely to be found in?
This common pet fish is often seen in small bowls but actually thrives in large tanks or ponds.
What is a goldfish?
This common fishing tool is used to reel in the line.
What is a fishing reel?
This deep-sea fish has a glowing lure on its head to attract prey in the dark ocean depths.
What is an anglerfish?
This fish can generate electricity up to 600 volts to defend itself and hunt prey.
What is an electric eel?
What aquatic animal needs a car wash in Shark Tales?
A Whale
This large North American game fish is known for its whisker-like barbels.
What is a catfish?
Fly fishing uses this type of lightweight lure instead of traditional bait.
What is an artificial fly?
Despite looking terrifying, this prehistoric-looking shark with 300 needle-like teeth is rarely seen by humans.
What is a frilled shark?
This fish can survive out of water for days, breathing through its skin and even "walking" on land.
What is a mudskipper?
What type of fish killed Marland's family in Finding Nemo?
A Barricuda
This aggressive freshwater fish is known for its sharp teeth and a famous horror movie title.
What is a piranha?
This technique involves dragging a lure behind a moving boat.
What is trolling?
This fish's scientific name means "vampire squid from hell," and it can turn itself inside out when threatened.
What is a vampire squid?
This ocean predator can swim up to 68 mph, making it the fastest fish in the world.
What is a sailfish?
In The Little Mermaid, this yellow fish is Ariel’s best friend?
A Flounder
The state fish of Michigan, this species is prized by anglers and often found in cold streams.
What is a brook trout?
Ice fishers often use these small buildings to keep warm while fishing.
What is an ice shanty?
This weird ocean dweller has a disc-shaped head that allows it to detect electric fields in the sand.
What is a hammerhead shark?
Some fish, like the Arctic cod, produce this natural antifreeze to keep their blood from freezing in icy waters.
What are antifreeze proteins?
What's the hookers name in Shark Tale?
This is a common pet fish that likes to fight if there is another one of their species.
What is a beta fish?
This method involves catching fish with bare hands, usually for catfish.
What is noodling?
This fish, known for its dramatic "gulps," can swallow prey almost as large as itself thanks to its stretchy stomach.
What is a gulper eel?
This incredible fish can shoot jets of water at insects to knock them into the water for an easy meal.
What is an archerfish?