A game involving pirate Yakuza is set here.
Stefano Mitchell's female counterpart that was lost to time
Stephanie Michelle
This cartoon scientist is well known for transforming himself into a certain kind of vegetable
Rick Sanchez
The name of the Shark Fiend in chainsaw man part 1.
This general is known to fight for freedom in Stoon.
General Freedom
What gun does the operator mercenary use in the game Isle?
Tactical Shotgun.
This mostly red individual likes taking deep breaths, and dislikes UV lights.
The Leyak
This deepwoken race is known for its deer-like antlers
The original name of the character who gets turned into a tree in firepunch.
Fast Reload Shells cost this many honor points.
30 HP
What is the name of the primary island in the show Sonny Boy?
Hateno Island
What is the name of the individual who was minted in the blockchain after making threats, and turning his camera on while wearing an anonymous mask with BROKE written on the forehead in sharpie.
Glenn's shark in black could be described as this.
This character undergos a fujimoto classic experience involving a pickaxe to the head.
This freedom war command displays a quote containing words of wisdom on the users screen.
This island region of the isle map is known for its guarenteed drone spawn.
Rock A
This ridgeway developer was spotted wearing a sash saying "KING OF THE BLACK PEOPLE".
What is the name of the project moon cafe.
How many pages does firepunch go without having a character try to engage in an incestuous relationship.
Should dank nerf warriors again?
This requires you to earn a score of at least 30,000 on the Arcade Machine in the isle lobby.
The Wizard
The name of the rat guy from Monster.
Otto Heckel
How many cans do I have on my desk at this current moment.
To be determined
In Chainsaw Man the gun devil first hits the city of Nikaho on this date. (Partial credit will be awared)(Exact time for double points)
September 12, 1997 3:18:21
Spell the first and last name of the character from Attack on Titan who uses the colossal titan to breach Wall Maria.
Bertholdt Hoover