How do you make a vowel spell its long sound?
Bossy/silent e
be in believe
What ways can you spell /ch/?
/ch/ /tch/
Use the word cry in a sentence.
answers will vary
How many syllables does the word anklet have?
What letter or letter combination is used for past tense?
The word cowboy is a________
compound word
What 3 ways can you spell the /j/ sound?
/j/, /ge/, /dge
Use the word happy in a sentence.
answers may vary
Name the types of syllables we have discussed.
open, closed and _le
What are the ways to spell the /j/ sound?
sub in submit
Spell the word. **ask your teacher**
What sound does /y/ say in a one syllable word?
long i
What is it called when you add a word part to the end of a base word?
What are the sounds for the suffix -ed?
/t/,/d/, and /ed?
-zle in puzzle
consonant /le
Spell the word **ask your teacher**
What does /y/ say in a two syllable word?
long e
How would you make the word inch plural?
add -es
What to you add to a verb (action word) to make it present tense?
ta in table
What are all the digraphs and trigraphs we have learned so far?
sh, ch, th, wh, ph, tech, dge
When is y used as a vowel?
In a one syllable word and in the second syllable of a two syllable word.
What is your favorite time of the day while at school?
If you said being in fish bowl, your points triple. :)