This is the definition of Fisheries
What is the industry or practice of catching, harvesting, and managing fish and other aquatic organisms from natural bodies of water (such as oceans, rivers, lakes, and ponds) for commercial, recreational, or subsistence purposes?
This is the definition of Aquaculture?
What is the Farming of aquatic organisms?
The specimen shown lives in this aquatic ecosystem. (freshwater or marine)
What is a marine ecosystem?
The Great hammerhead shark is an oceanic shark! They occur widely throughout the world's oceans in depths ranging from 1-300m
This species of fish is farmed for caviar (common name)
What is the Sturgeon?
Acipenseridae family
This type of professional is responsible for managing fish populations and ensuring sustainable practices in fisheries
What is a Fisheries Biologist?
Three examples of aquatic animals in a fisheries industry
What are Shrimp, Salmon, Lobster, Oyster, Catfish, Sturgeon, Crab etc?
This is the process of breeding certain fish species to enhance specific traits such as growth rate, disease resistance, or appearance
What is selective breeding?
This is the common name of the specimen shown
What is the GAR!
This type of fish is most known for being caught due to its high demand for sushi
What is Tuna.
This career involves overseeing operations at a fish hatchery, ensuring the healthy growth of fish stocks for restocking and aquaculture purposes?
What is a Hatchery Manager
The Study of Fish
What is Ichthyology?
This is one problem faced in Aquaculture
What is disease, nutrient pollution, chemical pollution, displacement of native species, competition for space and food, negative social perception?
This is MS's state marine mammal
What is the Bottlenose Dolphin?
This is known as Ghost Fishing
What is the process of abandoned fishing gear continuing to catch and kill marine life. This can include nets, traps, and pots.
This career involves overseeing the health and well-being of farmed fish, diagnosing diseases, and providing medical treatments
What is an Aquatic Veterinarian?
Two examples of Mississippi Invertebrate fisheries
What are Blue crab, crawfish, Shrimp, Oyster?
These are the common names of the two species of catfish commonly hybridized for aquaculture?
What are Blue and Channel Catfish?
Salmon is a popular aquaculture fish. This is the ocean it is native to.
What is the Pacific Ocean?
This term refers to the phenomenon of fishing faster than fish populations can be replenished?
What is overfishing?
This person works with fish farms to develop strategies for improving efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in aquaculture operations.
What is an Aquaculture Consultant
This mollusk was harvested along the MS river in the late 1800s to produce buttons
What are Mussels?
Mississippi ranks #1 in the US for farm raised-catfish production. This is the percentage of the nation's farm- raised catfish MS produces
What is 65%?
The scientific name of channel catfish.
What is Ictalurus punctatus
Term for the practice of raising different species of fish or aquatic organizations together in the same environment
What is Polyculture?
This person works to design and build systems for farming aquatic organisms, such as fish tanks, ponds, and aquaponics systems
What is an Aquaculture Engineer