Cause and Effect
Main Idea/Details
Context Clues
The word that best describes Reenie. a) impatient c) angry b) helpful d) greedy
What is helpful
The reason Peter probably threw the rock at Reenie.
What is...Peter was jealous that Reenie was catching fish and he wasn't.
The cause of Reenie's hurt knee
What is...Peter threw a rock that hit Reenie's knee.
The best way to catch a carp.
What is... Using corn as bait
He's always flitting somewhere. Just like an up-jumpy bird. In the sentence, the word "flitting" probably means... (smiling, sitting, moving quickly, or eating)
What is moving quickly
The setting for most of the passage.
What is Jim Crow River
The reason Mr. Troop and Peter go fishing.
What is... They need fish for food to eat.
The effect of Mr. Troop and Peter using night crawlers.
What is...They did not catch any fish.
Peter did this when he saw Reenie walking home from church.
What is...Waved to her with the glove she gave him from the back of the truck.
You'll spook the fish with all that commotion. In the sentence the word "commotion" probably means... (movement, singing, scaring, or silence)
What is movement
The major conflict in the story is a) Reenie has to get up early. b) black and white people do not feel they can interact with each other c) Reenie gets hit with a rock d) Peter's hands are cold
What is... Black and white people do not feel they can interact with other. On a deeper level - What is ...the segregation of black and white people.
The reason Peter has shame on his face after throwing the rock.
What is... He is sorry for what he did.
The probable cause of Peter finally catching a fish.
What is...Reenie showed him how to use corn to catch a fish.
Place where Reenie and her mom fished.
What is the Jim Crow River
Mama hugs me to her, helping me ease the sting that's charging up in me. In the sentence, the word "ease" probably means... (anger, pull, relieve, or catch)
What is relieve
Resolution to the major conflict is a)Reenie goes over to help Peter learn how to catch a fish b) Reenie throws a rock back at Peter c) Peter says he is sorry to Reenie d) Reenie and her mom throw corn in the river
What is Reenie goes over to help Peter learn how to catch a fish. On a deeper level - What is...Reenie makes an effort to break down the color barriers by helping Peter to catch a fish.
The reason Reenie's mom tells her to "watch the water" and Peter's dad tells him to "keep with this side of things" when they look at each other.
What is...Black people and white people were to keep to themselves.
The possible conclusion if Reenie had not given Peter the corn.
What is...Peter would not have caught any fish.
The passage is mainly about...a) how Reenie caught a big fish b) how Peter was jealous of Reenie's ability to catch a fish c) Corn is the best bait to use when fishing d)how kindness can overcome differences and lead to understanding
What is...How kindness can overcome differences and lead to understanding.
I've got another carp, a long one, its yellow belly glistening under the morning sun. In the sentence, the word "glistening" probably means... (jumping, shining, turning, or growling)
What is shining
How Peter changed from the beginning to the end of the passage. a) angry to silly c) curious to mad b) unkind to friendly d) friendly to sad
What is unkind to friendly
The way Peter will probably treat Reenie in the future.
What is with kindness
The cause of Reenie and her mom waking up so early.
What is...They wanted to catch the fish right when they woke up.
How Peter got the nickname, Pigeon.
What is...He is always jumping and moving around like a bird.
After we've linked our first catch to the carry-chain, Mama's line starts to dance. She's got a feisty one, another keeper. In the sentence, the word "feisty" probably means... (small, slimy, helpful, or lively)
What is lively