Adaptations to Training
Periodization & Program Design
The OPT model
Resistance Training Principles
True or false? The hormonal response to exercise is normally Intensity specific.
What is True?
True or False? Periodization is a concept of organizing training programs into cycles so that each cycle has a specific physiological goal, with the ultimate goal being for performance to peak at the optimal time.
What is true?
What two phases of the OPT model use supersets?
What is 2 & 5?
Which of the following is considered an assistance exercise? A) Calf raise B) Pull-up C) Bench press D) Power clean
What is A?
SSC stands for?
What is Stretch shortening cycle?
The electrical signal sent from a nerve to the muscle telling it to contract is known as:
What is an action potential?
In a traditional periodization scheme, this is the longest phase in an annual plan.
What is a macrocycle?
In the sport of powerlifting the goal is to achieve the highest 1RM in the bench press, squat, and dead lift. What phase of the OPT model best prepares someone to succeed in powerlifting?
What is phase 4 (max strength)?
This acute variable expresses the amount of work performed in a resistance training session.
What is Volume load?
True or false? Hypertrophy programs should include only one exercise per muscle group per workout.
What is false?
Muscle spindles monitor the rate of change in _________ in the muscle.
What is length?
What is the first thing to consider when designing a program for an athlete?
1) Assessments including the athletes GOAL 2) Needs analysis 3) Competition dates
What muscle action does the zero in NASM's 2/0/2 tempo represent?
What is isometric?
Total caloric expenditure during resistance exercise is most related to: A) number of reps B) number of sets C) intensity D) Total work accomplished during the session
What is D? Total work accomplished = volume load = reps x sets x intensity
This muscle action is capable of producing the most tension/force.
What is eccentric?
Is the amount of motor units recruited in a muscle an example of a INTRAmuscular or INTERmuscular adaptation?
What is INTRAmuscular (intra- means within)?
What is the difference between rest and recovery?
Rest is doing nothing whereas recovery is performing activities (ice, heat, stretching etc.) in order to speed up recovery.
Which acute variable would be most appropriate to progress in a phase 4 program?
What is intensity? (load, resistance, weight)
The difference in strength between male and females of a similar size can be explained by a difference in: A) amount of muscle, B) quality of muscle, C) ability of muscle to produce force
What is A?
Fatigue has a major negative effect on the SSC and power training, so this acute variable should not be shortened.
What is rest period?
Contraction of a muscle under excessive strain causes this sensory receptor to discharge an inhibitory nervous signal, causing the muscle to relax.
What is the GTO?
During a _________________ mesocycle, the first microcycle introduces a shock to the system by increasing the volume and intensity by more than the body is used to. In the following microcycles volume and intensity are returned to normal. The last microcycle involves a taper/unload week.
What is Planned over-reaching?
What acute variable would be most appropriate to progress in a phase 2 program?
What is either more reps, or less time between sets?
During an unload week, it would be appropriate to decrease which two acute variables?
What is volume and intensity?
How does the SSC (eccentric stretch before concentric contraction) increase muscle force output?
The stretched muscle stores and then uses elastic energy (think of a rubber band).